—— Chandler kemst að því að fullt af fólki heldur /eða hélt að Chandler sé gay. Paolo er í Róm en hann sendir Rachel skó, og hringir í hana. Amma Ross og Monicu deyr…. Tvisvar. Í jarðaförinni fylgist Toey með fótboltanum í litlu ferðasjónvarpi. Monica prrast yfir gagnrýninni í móður sinni og Ross dettur ofan í tóma gröf, og verður svo uppdópaður af verkjalyfjum.——
Bestu setningarnar að mínu mati :
Shelley: Do you want a date Saturday?
Chandler: Yes please.
Shelley: Okay. He's cute, he's funny, he's-
Chandler: He's a he?!
Shelley: Well yeah! …Oh God. I- just- I thought- Good, Shelley. I'm just gonna go flush myself down the toilet now- [bakkar útúr herberginu] -okay, goodbye…
Monica: Okay, I…I don't know. You… you just… you have a quality.
Allir: Yeah. Absolutely. A quality.
Chandler: Oh, oh, a quality! Good, because I was worried you guys were gonna be vague about this.
Ross: So he's calling from Rome. I could do that. Just gotta go to Rome.
Fjölskyldan er að minnast ömmunnar….
Monica: The fuzzy little mints at the bottom of her purse. (með einlægu brosi)
Ross: Oh! …Yeah, they were gross.
Ross: You know how, uh, the nurse said that… that Nana had… had passed? Well, she's not… quite….
Mrs. Geller: What?
Ross: She's not past… she's present, she's back.
Lillian: [kemur inn] What's going on?
Judy : She may have died.
Lillian: She may have died?
Jack : We're looking into it.
Ross fer inn að athuga með ömmuna…
Ross: Now she's passed!
Rachel: So, um, did she…
Ross: Twice.
Joey: Twice?
Phoebe: Oh, that sucks!
Joey: You guys okay?
Ross: I dunno, it's weird. I mean, I know she's gone, but I just don't feel, uh…
Phoebe: Maybe that's ‘cause she’s not really gone.
Ross: Nono, she's gone.
Monica: We checked. A lot!
Phoebe: Hm, I mean maybe no-one ever really goes. Ever since my mom died, every now and then, I get the feeling that she's like right here, y'know? [Bendir á svæði til hægri við hana þar sem Chandler situr, hann færir sig frá, augljóslega ekki sama um það sem hún var að segja]
Oh! And Debbie, my best friend from junior high- got struck by lightning on a miniature golf course- I always get this really strong Debbie vibe whenever I use one of those little yellow pencils, y'know?
…I miss her.
Rachel: Aw. Hey, Pheebs, want this? [réttir henni svona blýant]
Phoebe: Thanks!
Rachel: Sure. I just sharpened her this morning.
Phoebe: Y'know, I dunno who this is, but it's not Debbie. [skilar Rachel blýantinum.]
Joey: Now, see, I don't believe any of that. I think once you're dead, you're dead! You're gone! You're worm food! [áttar sig á að þetta var ekki við hæfi] ……..So Chandler looks gay, huh?
Ross (uppdópaður af verkjalyfjum) : I feel great. I… feel… great. I fleel great.
Monica: Wow, those pills really worked, huh.
Ross: Not the first two, but the second two… woooo!
I love you guys. You guys are the greatest. I love my sister, I love Pheebs…
Phoebe: Oh! That's so nice.
Ross: Hey Chandler!
Chandler: Hey.
Ross: I love you, man. And listen, man, if you wanna be gay, be gay. Doesn't matter to me.
stelpan sem Chandler var að hösla (við vinkonu sína): You were right!
Rachel: Hey, who's this little naked guy?
Ross: That little naked guy would be me.
Rachel: Aww, look at the little thing.
Ross: Yes, yes, fine, that is my penis. Can we be grown-ups now?
Joey: Ooh, look look look look look! I got Monica naked!
Ross: [kíkir] Nono, that would be me again. I'm, uh, just trying something.