Það voru nokkrir að biðja um fleygar setningar frá Joey eins og hafa komið frá Chandler… ég skrifaði svona ýmislegt sem ég man en ég man því miður ekki í hvaða þáttum þtta var og ekki nákvæm orð og solleis, en ég reyndi að gera mitt besta….
“How you doin?!” (sú frægasta af öllum! :)
“Looking good mr. Kotter!”
“Oh, sorry, I hear divorce and I immediately go to Ross”
“you see, the Netherlands is this make-belive place where peter pan and tinkerbell come from”
Monica “my motto is, let´em go before the go down” Joey “that is SO NOT my motto!”
“I´ve got two words for you : threesome…”
“what´s not to like? Custard, good - jam, goood - meat, gooooood!”
“Look at me, I´m Chandler, could I BE wearing any more clothes?!”
Joey “ well, you´re gonna have to get a divorce” Ross “ no no no, we can just get an annulment” Joey “ Dude, Ross, I don´t think surgery is the solution here!”
“ monday - one day, tuesday - two days, wednesday - what…huh…what day?, thursday - third day!!!”
talar við Ross “ and before you know it, she´s with him.And you´ll be all -ohh man!-, and he´ll be all -YES!-, and us, we´ll be like -wohh, dude!- and pretty soon you´ll be like ”hiiii“ (í þessum sorglega tón), and and and -I can´t go, Rachel and Mark are there- and we´ll be like -man get over it, it´s been four years!!!-”
“why don´t you ask her how long she´s gonna live? cause, you know, women live longer than men”
“hey Rach, these litle women, like how litle are they? are the like scary litle?”
“You think I need a new walk?”
“ok man, I didn´t want to bring this up, but Chandler is the stupidest name I´ve heard in my whole life. It´s not even a name, it´s barely a word. It´s kinda like chandelier, but it´s not! It´s a stupid stupid non name!”
“Why would he turn off porn??!!”
“ I mean, it´s like this chemical thing. She starts laughing and all I wanna do is pull of my arm… just so I have something to throw at her!”
Jæja, ég man ekki meira í bili, reyni að finna eitthvað meira fljótlega