Hæ hæ, fann þetta skemmtilega ljóð um Ross og Rachel og langar að sýna ykkur það:
He liked her, But she didn't know it
She liked him, but didn't show it.
They finally get together.
What a happy day!
Together forever,
Until one day…
Ross and Rachel decided to take a break,
Ohh for heavens sake.
Emily said I do.
Ross did too,
But to who??
They went to Vegas, and drank a lot.
Got married, and then forgot!
Each week this show keeps me in suspense
and it makes me very tense.
Will they get back together, maybe!
Now you can see why this show is “Must See TV”.
Þetta er ekkert flott á íslensku þannig að ég sleppti því bara að þýða þetta, og þið sem eru allslæm í enskunni… þá er bara að nota orðabók;)