• File Browser to visually browse and retrieve images
• Healing Brush to effortlessly remove artifacts such as dust, scratches, blemishes, and wrinkles while preserving shading, lighting, and texture
• Web output enhancements to easily apply transparency or partial transparency to Web page elements, including seamless edges that blend into any Web background
• Single, enhanced Rollover palette to manage Web page rollovers, animations, and image maps more easily
• New “selected” rollover state for creating more sophisticated Web site navigation bars without hand-coding
• Customizable workspace for saving the arrangement of palettes and settings for tools, and instant access to a personalized Photoshop desktop
• New Auto Color Command for reliable color correction
• Password protection to limit access to Photoshop PDF files, helping to secure image integrity
• Built-in Spell Checker for search-and-replace operations and spell-check in multiple languages within the same file
• Enhanced Picture Packages to allow you to print multiple images on one page, choose different page sizes, and add custom labels, such as copyright notices or captions
• More Web Gallery templates to easily show work online by posting a gallery page of images, and include watermark and copyright information to protect images
• Full compatibility with Mac OS 9 and support for the newest enhancements of Mac OS X and Microsoft® Windows® XP
• XMP support for embedding metadata in application files to easily repurpose, archive, and automate files in a workflow
• New Painting Engine to simulate traditional painting techniques
• Pattern Maker plug-in to create realistic or abstract patterns such as grass, rocks, and sand simply by selecting a section of an image
• Enhanced Liquify (distorting) tool to allow you to view other layers, zoom, pan, and undo multiple steps — even save custom meshes and apply them to other files
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