fyrst að svo margir vita ekki hvað 3d festival er ætla ég aðeins að auglýsa það….

3d festival er stærsta hátíð evrópu tileinkuð bara þrívídd..
hún verður haldin, minnir mig, 22-26 október í kaupmannahöfn..
þetta er í þriðja skipti sem 3d festival er haldið og verða þar verðlaunaafhending, verið að kynna nýjustu 3d forritin, sýndar 3d stuttmyndir og auglýsingar, myndasýningar eftir listamenn og bunch fleira..

flokkarnir fyrir verðlaunaafhendinguna eru tólf:

1. 3D Animated Short
A 3D short film made by an individual or a team. (max. 7 min.)

2. 3D in Commercial
The use of 3D in a TV or cinema commercial. Can be fully CGI or containing key 3D elements

3. Music Videos
The use of 3D in a music video/promo

4. Character Design
3D character design in all genres such as humans, monster etc.

5. Game Intro
Rendered or realtime 3D intro to a game

6. Logos & Idents
3D animated logos or identifiers typically produced for film and TV productions

7. Student 3D Animation
3D animation made by a full-time student or team

8. Student 3D Still
3D still made by a full-time student

9. Architectural Visualisation
An architectural project made in 3D. (Still or animated)

10. Industrial Design
A design project made in 3D. (Still or animated)

11. The Digital Hall of Fame Award
Exellence in Digital Art & Design. Submission is done through the
EFX website

12. Community Contribution
The 3D Festival Community special award for outstanding
contribution to the European 3D Community during 2001. NB. This is
not a competitive category, and may not be entered for. The winner
will be chosen by 3D Festival Community.

þið getið fengið allar upplýsingar á http://www.3dfestival.com

og fyrir alla þá sem hafa áhuga á að taka þátt var deadline-ið lengt til 7. september..
“nothing is bulletproof until its been shot” - CYP 9:13 the good book of the Crypt