Veit einhver hvar maður getur keypt sér magnara til að smíða inní bassabox? (eins og er alltaf þegar maður kaupir sér aktívt bassabox). Á netinu og/eða verslun hér á klakanum.<br><br><font color=“#C0C0C0”>,.&#9702;*¨`¨*&#9702;.,_,.&#9702;*¨`¨*&#9702;.,_,.&#9702;*¨`¨*&#9702;.,_,.&#9702;*¨`¨*&#9702;.,_,.&#9702;*¨`¨*&#9702;.,_,.&#9702;*¨`¨*&#9702;.,_,.&#9702;*¨`¨*&#9702;.,_</font>

<font color=“#008080”>“Self improvement is masturbation.”
“The things you own, end up owning you.”
“It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.”
“Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken!”</font>
<font color=“#004040”><i>- Tyler Durden</i></font>

<font color=“#F0F0F0”><a href="“>¹</a><a href=”“>²</a><a href=”">³</a></font