Það er snilld að þetta áhugamál sé loksins komið…..<br><br><b> Bigity-biggidy bitch boy, halfway hauser
Don´t hear shit cuz I keeps gettin´ louder
Come up and you get a face full of´ tactic
Lippin´ off hard, goin´ home in a basket
You got no pull, no power, no nothin´
Now you start shit? Well ain´t that somethin´?
Payoffs don´t protect and you can hide if you want
But i´ll find you - comin´up behind you!</b>

<i>SlipKnoT - Spit it out</i>

og BTW. þú mátt alveg klikka <a href="http://www.enmyti.tk“>hér</a>, eða <a href=”http://www.hugi.is/forsida/bigboxes.php?box_type=skilabodaskjodan&page=new_msg&to_user=maddisnill“>hér</a>
<font color=”#0000FF“>Fyndnasta grein allra tíma er</font> <a href=”http://www.hugi.is/rokk/greinar.php?grein_id=70232">hér</a