Óli Grís Alien?
Er Ólafur R. Grímsson kanski geimvera?<br>,,…and they shall take over all countries by infesting their leaders, commanding them. There is no cure for this infestation and only shall it be stopped before it happens. How, i do not know, neither do i know when it shall start. The main target of infestation are president´s, generals and others that have acces to great information…" <br>- Unkown.<br><br>Er Ólafur R. Grímson hýsill geimveru? Er Bill Clinton geimvera? ER Stalín/Lenin/Hitler/Napoleon geimvera? Voru þeir notaðir til heimsyfirráða? (ég hefði valið Snúð&Snjall)<br><br>Ég pósta seinna með meira info, kay?