Ætla að skella inn svona týpískum samræðum milli vélar og ground,fl.hef þetta alþjóðlegt(ensku).fyrir þá sem langar að vita eitthvað meira um það tek bara svona upp og niður aftur.

Pilot) Clearance good evening bluesky 125 has ATIS information Kilo, Aircraft 777-300, at Gate Lima 25, requesting IFR Clearance for a traffic Pattern.

(Clearance) Bluesky 125 good evening Sir, flight plan is approved; your cleared to 6000 feet, please squawk 1513, QNH is 1012 Millabars, read back is required.

(Pilot) Flight Plan Approved, squawking 1513, QHN 1012, bluesky 125.

(Clearance) Read back is correct, contact ground on 121.90 for push and start.

(Pilot) Read back correct, onto ground now on 121.90 for the push and start, bluesky 125 good day.

(Pilot) Ground good evening bluesky 125 request clearance for push and start from gate Lima 25.

(Ground) bluesky 125 Good evening Sir, push and start approved, call back on this frequency for taxi.

(Pilot) Push and start Approved, will call ready for taxi, bluesky 125.

(Pilot) Ground bluesky 125 request taxi instructions.

(Ground) bluesky 125 Active runway for departure is 27R, your cleared to taxi to the holding point of runway 27R via the inner taxiway, read back is required.

(Pilot) Active runway for departure is 27R, cleared to the holding point of 27R via the inner taxiway, bluesky 125.

(Ground) bluesky 125 your read back is correct.

(Pilot) Ground bluesky 125 is at the hold at 27R.

(Ground) bluesky 125 monitor the tower now on 118.50 good day.

(Pilot) Monitoring the tower now on 118.50, bluesky 125, good day.

(Tower) bluesky 125 after the departing #747-400 Delta-airline#(bjó bara til) you're cleared to line up and wait on runway 27R, read back required.

(Pilot) After the departing 747, cleared to line up and wait on runway 27R, bluesky 125.

(Tower) Bluesky 125 read back is correct, contact tower when ready for departure.

(Pilot) Will contact ready for departure, bluesky 125.

(Pilot) bluesky 125 is ready for departure from 27R.

(Tower) bluesky 125 your cleared for takeoff runway 27R, after take off maintain runway heading, winds are 280 at 4 kts.

(Pilot) Cleared for takeoff 27R, maintain runway heading, winds copied, bluesky 125.

Eftir flugtak u.þ.b 2 mílum frá London tekur LONDON CONTROL við .

(Tower) bluesky 125 report your heading to London now on 113.30 good day.

(Pilot) Report heading to London now on (113,30), bluesky 125, Good day.

(Pilot) Departure bluesky 125 out from 27R Passing 2000 for 6,000 feet on runway heading.

(London) bluesky 125 Squawk I dent, continue clime to 6,000 feet on a QNH of 1012.

(Pilot) bluesky 125 squawking (það sama og fengið var við flugtak í þessu tilfelli.) 1513, continuing to 6,000 feet on a QNH of 1012.



(London Control) bluesky 125, Descend Flight level 10.000ft back to Lambourne, leave on a heading of 270, 210 KTS.

(Pilot) Down to flight level 10.000ft back to Lambourne and leave 270, 210 kts bluesky 125

(London Control) bluesky 125 Descend Flight Level 9000ft

(Pilot) Descending to Flight Level 9000ft, bluesky 125

(London Control) bluesky 125 Descend flight level 8000ft

(Pilot) Descending to Flight Level 8000ft, bluesky 125

(London Control) bluesky 125 Turn left 110, downwind

(Pilot) Left to 110 for downwind, bluesky 125

(London Control) bluesky 125 Descend now to 4000 feet, QNH 997 Millabars

(Pilot) Descending to 4000 feet, QNH 997 Millabars, bluesky 125

(London Control) bluesky 125 22 Miles for 27L, Call sign only to Radar on 120.40, good day.

(Pilot) Call sign only on 120.40, bluesky 125 good day.

(Pilot) Director good evening bluesky 125

(Radar) bluesky 125 Good evening 20 miles for 27 L

(Pilot) bluesky 125

(Radar) bluesky 125 Turn right 180, speed 180 KTS

(Pilot) Right to 180, speed back to 180, bluesky 125

(Radar) bluesky 125 Turn right 245, report localizer established for 27 L

(Pilot) Right to 245 and report localizer fully established bluesky 125

(Radar) bluesky 125 Descend 3000 Feet.

(Pilot) Descend to 3000 feet, bluesky 125

(Pilot) bluesky 125 is fully established 12 miles for 27L

(Radar) bluesky 125 Thank you, Descend on glide path, maintain speed.

(Radar) bluesky 125 slow to 160 KTS to 4 DME, call tower on 118.70, good bye

(Pilot) 160 to 4 and call tower 118.70, bluesky 125 good day.

(Pilot) Tower good evening bluesky 125 10 miles to run for 27L

(Tower) bluesky 125 Good evening report 4DME

(Pilot) Report 4DME bluesky 125.

(Pilot) bluesky 125 is 4 DME

(Tower) bluesky 125 Continue approach wind 270 @ 5 KTS

(Pilot) Continue approach, winds copied, bluesky 125.

(Tower) bluesky 125 After landing expedite vacating, cleared to land 27 L Wind 270 at 3 KTS

(Pilot) After landing report expedite, cleared to land runway 27L wind 270 at 3 KTS

(Tower) bluesky 125 Expedite first right

(Pilot) Expediting next right,bluesky 125.

(Pilot) bluesky 125 clear of the active runway.

(Tower) bluesky 125 thank you, contact ground now on 121.90 good bye.

(Pilot) On to ground now 121.90, bluesky 125, thank you good day.

(Pilot) Ground good evening bluesky 125 just vacated 27L block 10, request taxi instructions.

(Ground) bluesky 125 good evening Taxi to the gate of your choice via the outer taxiway and report back at the gate for shut down.

(Pilot) Cleared to taxi to gate via the outer, will report for shutdown, bluesky 125.

(Pilot) bluesky 125 at gate Kilo 17 requesting engine shut down.

(Ground) bluesky 125 Shutdown approved at Gate Kilo 17, flight plan closed (bið) good day.

(Pilot) Cleared for shut down and flight plan closed, bluesky 125 thank you, good night.
