Ég lét þessa vél á síðuna,en það væri fínt ef einhver veit hvernig á að innstalla vélinni inn. Ég hef ekki gert það rétt hingað til,ég er að gera eitthvað vitlaust:(
ég installaði þessu svona en það virkar samt ekki.
First install the PMDG 747-400 Queen of The Skies PMDG747_400_FSX.exe
2. When installation process reaches page with validation button start EnableButton.exe program.
3. Point mouse over “Next” button and click. Finish installation process.(Just wait for 10 to 15 sec before the installation begin)
4. Now run the two files int the regfiles-folder and press “YES” this will add information to the registry. (This regfile will add info to the registry for PMDG747-400X and the new Abraxis AntiTheft)
5. Please do the lines below!
——- PMDG 747-400 Queen Of The Sky ———-
6. Open <FSX>\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG747-400\Aircraft.cfg file and search for —BEGIN SHA1— string
7. Add the following line: c2e80520102f0800e790160704de90760a1b3801. Now it should looks like:
//Do Not Alter the following line or your 747-400 may cease operating. [AFDSAuth] —BEGIN SHA1— c2e80520102f0800e790160704de90760a1b3801 —END SHA1— // Do Not Alter the above lines.
Save Aircraft.cfg
8. Open <FSX>\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG747-400F\Aircraft.cfg file and search for —BEGIN SHA1— string
9. Add the following line: c2e80520102f0800e790160704de90760a1b3801. Now it should looks like:
//Do Not Alter the following line or your 747-400 may cease operating. [AFDSAuth] —BEGIN SHA1— c2e80520102f0800e790160704de90760a1b3801 —END SHA1— // Do Not Alter the above lines.
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