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Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy

2.146 eru með Final Fantasy sem áhugamál
18.382 stig
329 greinar
2.869 þræðir
46 tilkynningar
5 pistlar
1.054 myndir
532 kannanir
37.725 álit


Kupo Kupo 2.112 stig
Gexus Gexus 1.164 stig
Jormundgand Jormundgand 908 stig
THT3000 THT3000 714 stig
FuriousJoe FuriousJoe 580 stig
Mastro Mastro 544 stig
ChocoboFan ChocoboFan 490 stig


Kingdom Hearts II (11 álit)

Kingdom Hearts II Það er bara svo fyndið að hugsa um Mikka Mús sem einhvern epic warrior í hálfgerðum FF heim ^^


Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance (7 álit)

Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance Hef ekki prófað of mikið af þessum leik sjálfur en hann á víst að vera nokkuð góður. Hvað finnst ykkur um hann?

Bardagakerfið í Final Fantasy I á PSP (16 álit)

Bardagakerfið í Final Fantasy I á PSP Svona lítur víst nýji FF1 leikurinn út á PSP.
Mynd útveguð með hjálp frá :)

Bardagakerfið í fyrsta Final Fantasy leiknum! (12 álit)

Bardagakerfið í fyrsta Final Fantasy leiknum! Titillinn segir allt ;)

"The maiden who travels the planet" (12 álit)

"The maiden who travels the planet" “The maiden who travels the planet”

Skáldsaga eftit Benny Matsuyama sem fjallar um Aeris eftir dauða hennar
Þetta er formálinn:


Aeris was sinking. Lying stretched out with an expression as if she was asleep, she quietly sank into the cold and tranquil lake. The net of light scattered by the ripples of the surface danced upon her motionless body. It was as if it was trying to tie onto her.
Her kind face could no longer have those expressions that were full of energy. The feelings of joy and fun that would spread to everyone around her, the anger she had towards the weak, and the endless tears she had in sorrow… None of them were going to appear again.
Her body was going to be silenced for eternity.
However, that didn't mean the end of Aeris. She was watching. She wasn't watching through her beautiful green eyes but through her soul… She watched within a discarnate body filled with the energy of life, as it overlapped her physical body. She watched as the surface of the lake drew further away. She watched as the human shapes gazed at her from the hazy other world (the world where things were alive was another world to her). She watched Cloud's face which looked as if his heart was going to fall apart from the sadness of loosing her, the anger and hate he had for her being taken from him.
“Don't blame yourself. There's nothing to worry about anymore. It's going to be all right even if Meteor falls. So don't let yourself be dragged down by those feelings. Just think about how you can be yourself.”
She tried to say it but her lips wouldn't move. There was no magic that would let her thoughts reach Cloud from her spiritual body as Cloud disappeared fast into the distance. The light that twinkled on the lake's surface became weak and distant as she sank. She fell smoothly into the depths of the Cetra ruins, The Forgotten City. Aeris, the last remaining survivor of the Cetra had fulfilled her mission to protect the Planet. The final place where she was supposed to reach had no boundaries no matter where she went…

LAME (11 álit)

LAME ojj bara lame moment fyrir Tifu

Final Fantasy Agito XIII (9 álit)

Final Fantasy Agito XIII Skólin úr Agito, Akademia.
Final Fantasy Agito XIII er einn af þrem leikjunum úr Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII seríuni og verður einungis fáanlegur í GSM síma. Ég held þó að Square eigi eftir að uppfæra hann á next-gen leikjatölvurnar, svo á sem Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii eða Nintendo DS.

Grein er væntanleg en því miður eru of fáar upplýsingar í boði varðandi leikinn svo að því miður verður það að bíða.

(Myndinn af hópnum (12 nemendur og einn Moogle) sýnir strák í miðjunni haldandi á spilastokk. Sagt er að hann sé aðal hetjan í Agito).


Kveð að sinni og kannski væntanleg grein í maí þegar meiri upplýsingar eru í boði.(Ef ég skrifaði grein núna væri það nóg til þess að setja í lýsingu myndarinnar eða í kork).

Afsakið ef myndinn er í lélegum gæðum, er ekki heima hjá mér. Þurfti að nota paint til að smækka myndina.

Vaan í nýja FFXII leiknum! (19 álit)

Vaan í nýja FFXII leiknum! Híhí…alltaf jafn skrýtinn ;)

Cloud v.s. Sephiroth (31 álit)

Cloud v.s. Sephiroth Titillinn segir allt.

Final Fantasy IV á Advance (2 álit)

Final Fantasy IV á Advance Góðir leikir ;)
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..