Aðeins fyrir ensku mælandi FF nörda.

Pælið aðeins í þessu

In a world of magic and serenity, there lives a legendary force called Sin, hidden away in quiet rest for 1,000 years. Among these years, the land of Spira has grown to be a place of friendship and love, where all live peacefully among each other. But as time passes, the atrocious evil will rise, and all will change.

On a highly anticipated night in the prosperous city of Zanarkand, a young soul named Tidus is confronted by this evil and fights for his life in the hands of Sin. From then on, Sin travels further, bringing chaos and destruction to the spirit of the land. Subsequently, Tidus begins a journey to save his suffering world against the belevolent evil.

A group of unique and gifted travelers join Tidus on his journey against Sin. They follow the prophecy that one young girl would have the powers to destroy evil and return the world to its peaceful self. Because of this, they all vow their lives to protect an adolescent girl named Yuna. Hence they shall begin their legendary quest across the world, discovering new things and uncovering new mysteries, fighting for their lives and for the soul of humankind.

Og nú spir ég WHAT THE FUCK þetta á að vera FF X-2, að vissu leiti passar það, en 1000 ár, hvort er ég að misskylja þetta á einhvern ótrúlegann hátt eða er þetta allt annað en það sem við erum búin að vera senda inn um leikinn?

Hérna er slóðin http://www.ffmages.net/ff/ff10-2/<br><br><i>In pure darkness there is only hope</i