ÞÚ ERT SEMSAGT örlítið YNGRI EN VIÐ HIN!<br><br>“i don´t care how many times i´ll be defeated or spit blood because as long as i am alive and have my friends,that´s all that matters”
Yuri Hyuga/Shadow hearts
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip
var ekki að tala við þig..<br><br>“i don´t care how many times i´ll be defeated or spit blood because as long as i am alive and have my friends,that´s all that matters”
Yuri Hyuga/Shadow hearts
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip
hah kennitölustelari hehehe!<br><br>“i don´t care how many times i´ll be defeated or spit blood because as long as i am alive and have my friends,that´s all that matters”
Yuri Hyuga/Shadow hearts
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip
og hvað í ANSKOTANUM á ég að gera við kennitöluna þína??? svaraðu eithverju vitu til tilbreitingar<br><br>why be sombody else when you can be your self
ertu að tala við mig,ég ætla nú bara rétt að vona ekki kallinn minn!<br><br>“i don´t care how many times i´ll be defeated or spit blood because as long as i am alive and have my friends,that´s all that matters”
Yuri Hyuga/Shadow hearts
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip
reindar var ég að tala við þig og þetta var ekki vitulegt svo það lítur út fyrir að…. þú ert bara heimskur :)<br><br>why be sombody else when you can be your self
vá hehe shit hvað ég móðgaðist,ég ætla nú ekkert að vera að hóta þér fyrir framan tölvuna,segðu bara hvenær og hvar þú ætlar að hitta mig og við útkljáum þetta mál í one-on-one ok?<br><br>“i don´t care how many times i´ll be defeated or spit blood because as long as i am alive and have my friends,that´s all that matters”
Yuri Hyuga/Shadow hearts
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip
16 ku ég vera<br><br>-When men gain power, their greed for more power only increases. -Life is an endless nightmare people try in vain to escape from. -Life may be unfair, but we have to live with it.
Lýsing á lögreglu Kópavogs They crawl the roads like ravaging beasts with blue gleaming eyes searching endlessly for unaware victims. And when they find them they follow them until they catch them and the victim doesn't know anything better to but moving faster away from the scary blue eyes.
djöf*** Lyrus þú ert 2 mánuðum eldri en ég<br><br>“i don´t care how many times i´ll be defeated or spit blood because as long as i am alive and have my friends,that´s all that matters”
Yuri Hyuga/Shadow hearts
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip
Eftir að hafa stranglað mig í gegnum þessa nauðgun á íslenskri stafsetningu verð ég að mæla að ég er '85 módel.<br><br>—————————————- <b>Hansi</b> - <a href="http://www.hugi.is/ego/bigboxes.php?box_type=userinfo&user=Hansi&syna=msg“>Senda skilaboð</a> - <a href=”mailto:hansi@hansr.net">Senda e-mail</a
ég er nú bara einu ári eldri en þú..<br><br>“i don´t care how many times i´ll be defeated or spit blood because as long as i am alive and have my friends,that´s all that matters”
Yuri Hyuga/Shadow hearts
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip
same with me..<br><br>“i don´t care how many times i´ll be defeated or spit blood because as long as i am alive and have my friends,that´s all that matters”
Yuri Hyuga/Shadow hearts
My name is Earnie Douglas but my friends call me Chip
18, verð 19 á þessu ári.<br><br>—— <b>Jean Rostand skrifaði:</b><br><hr><i>“Kill one man and you are a murderer. Kill millions and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone and you are <b>God</b>.”</i><br><h
"Eastman! He came from the east to do battle with the amazing
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana.
Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..