Christopher Paolini hefur staðfest það að kápan á síðustu bókinni sé emerald green dragon looking to the right eða grænn dreki sem horfir til hægri. Annað sem Christopher Paolini staðfestir er að :
Paolini has said that it is possible that Eragon may have unknown family members that have not been introduced so far in the series, though he did not confirm this.
Paolini also mentioned that in book 3 it will be revealed if Saphira ever finds a mate.
More information about Tornac (Murtagh's old friend and trainer) will be revealed.
Elva, along with “every other character,” will have an important role to play.
Information about Brom's lover (referred to by Angela) will be revealed.
Eragon has yet to acquire a new weapon.
More about dwarf culture will be revealed.
Ajihad's backstory will be revealed.
More of Arya's background will be revealed.
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