Gleymt lykilorð


5.977 eru með Dulspeki sem áhugamál
22.114 stig
852 greinar
2.705 þræðir
45 tilkynningar
85 pistlar
472 myndir
612 kannanir
42.974 álit


Abigel Abigel 1.822 stig
divaa divaa 746 stig
hbraga hbraga 618 stig
icez icez 320 stig
tigra tigra 226 stig
deadsoul deadsoul 188 stig
Wiggi Wiggi 178 stig


Dulspeki (0 álit)

Dulspeki The Pentagram Of Set

Dulspeki (0 álit)

Dulspeki Hverjar eru líkurnar?

Dulspeki (0 álit)

Dulspeki >O)

Dulspeki (0 álit)

Dulspeki ;-)

Dulspeki (1 álit)

Dulspeki Hvað ætli þessi sé að hugsa um….?

Dulspeki (0 álit)

Dulspeki Þessi mynd er frá Hawai og er af Guði samkvæmt þeim.
Myndin minnir mjög mikið á geimverur. Þ.e.a.s eins og við ýmyndum okkur þær.

Dulspeki (0 álit)

Dulspeki Er ekki svolítið duló að sumir menn virðast ekki aðeins komnir af öpum, heldur eru virkilega ennþá útlítandi sem slíkir?!?

Dulspeki (0 álit)

Dulspeki Ég smellti þessum texta af heimasíðu nokkurri (sjá niðri).
Þessi maður er í alvarlegri afneitun.

These photos are from IGHS member Harry L. Borger at

Harry said, “I've been working with Joan Barr, Rick Fisher, Ron Ogburn, and others. We've been getting some pretty terrific photographs.

My Sony Mavica FD7 is working well. I've had it only a little more than a week, but already I'm getting some very interesting photographs.

After the Gettysburg Ghost Conference I sent a critiqe of the conference. One thought I suggested was the possibility of having an independent photographic expert to view and analyze our photographs to give us an ”expert“ opinion. Sorry, it seemed right at the time. I realize now that YOU are the experts at these kinds of photographs. I realize now that I am becoming educated in ghost photography that we are the experts. . . not someone else. We know our photographs are real, and we don't need an expert to talk to us about rain drops and dust particles, and lightening bugs and things like that.

I've had occasion to work with Rick's night vision scope and the electromagnetic field detector. I take pictures with my digital camera after every Ghost Tour. Getting some interesting stuff. I'll attach a few to this note for your review, and if you think they are good enough, feel free to post them on the web.

All pictures were taken with a Sony Mavica FD7 under ideal weather conditions. All pictures were taken in or near Gettysburg, PA.”

“In great deeds something abides. On great fields something stays. Forms change and pass; bodies disappear; but spirits linger, to consecreate ground for the vision-place of souls.”
Maj. General Joshua L. Chamberlain
October 3, 1889

Dulspeki (0 álit)

Dulspeki Engill

Dulspeki (1 álit)

Dulspeki ljósið er mitt
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..