Fyrri líf
Munið þið eftir fyrri lífum ykkar ?
“Aristotle identifies the form in living creatures with the soul, and describes a hierarchy of souls where plants have the lowest kind, animals a higher kind because of their ability to feel, and humans the highest because of their ability to reason and rationalize.”
Ég hef oftast lesið um það þannig að fólk “stígur upp úr hinu efnislega”.
Being consciously unaware of having Caused negative energies that must
be re-balanced, humans generally regard themselves as “victims” of some
undesireable Effect, but somewhere in the individual or collective
history there was a Cause, possibly during past incarnations. This may
be better understood by reversing the words of the Law;
“For every Effect, there is a Cause.”
There are only Effects of Causes and Causes with Effects.
Karmic debt does not die when the physical body expires. The eternal
soul learns from its short human experience and seeks further
opportunity to return in accordance with the Cosmic Law of
Reincarnation, revealed in the restored text of Revelation III;
“All will come upon the earth a hundred,
hundred times, and still will the spirit be
raised by the Father.” (Ch.6:11)
The text had been eliminated from Christian teachings several centuries
after Jesus' time, but reappeared with other hidden revelations in 1990,
and was later published in Simon Peter Fuller's book.
Learning the Causes of negative Effects may require examining
experiences of prior times. The soul knows of these times and can bring
them forward to human consciousness when the five-sensory intellect
allows integration by the soul. However, many individuals
intellectually block the process, and some even deny the soul's
existence. An egocentric attitude seriously slows human progress.