DANG BOY! They are sure lucky bastards to survive that accident. Well, Attention… Form a line, oh theres only one of ya. Ok. The power lines are out, you have to restore electric power. There is an electrical eel down there….and some…things. How you gonna do it I don't now. Well, get moving, MARCH. I don't know what Ive bin told, du du du du…i dont..du…i..i dont..du……..Oh fuck that shit. Give me five pullups now! Now, are you done with the power stuff, ok. Go to WAR and shoot some guys. And be sure to hit those Tediz Bastards hard in the had. Alright, move out! Fight for your home country…never stop. HVAÐ ER ÉG EIGINLEGA AÐ HUGSA???!?!!!
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