“Myndum við þá ekki vakna á bakinu ef að við færum að sofa á bakinu og svo framvegis?”
Nei því þig er EKKI að dreyma alla nóttina og þú getur hreyft þig þegar þig er EKKI að dreyma.
Á síðunni ( hef gefið þetta upp áður )
http://www.sleepmedservices.com/101questionsMá finna eftirfarandi klausu um eðlilegan draum svefn. ( ATH REM sleep = draum svefn )
“During REM sleep you can watch the sleeper's eyes move around beneath closed eyelids. Some scientists think that the eyes move in a pattern that relates to the visual images of the dream. We are almost completely paralyzed in REM sleep – only the heart, diaphragm, eye muscles and the smooth muscles (such as the muscles of the intestines and blood vessels) are spared from the paralysis of REM sleep.”
Svo hér er varðandi svefngöngu. Afritað frá sama stað.
My 6-year-old walks in his sleep. Will it hurt him if he wakes-up while sleepwalking?
“Sleepwalking or ‘somnambulism’ is very common in children. These symptoms occur during stages 3 and 4 NREM sleep, when the brain waves show a high-voltage slow pattern. During this kind of brain wave pattern, there can be little reliable sensory and movement activity. Many people mistakenly believe that sleepwalkers will not get hurt and that they can avoid obstacles. People can be injured while sleepwalking. Sleepwalkers have gone through plate glass doors, fallen down stairs and been burned by walking into hot fireplaces. So, the sleep environment should be made safe by locking doors and windows that open on to dangerous areas. Sleepwalkers may be very difficult to awaken and very confused if they awaken during a bout of sleepwalking. However, there is no real danger if they wake up while sleepwalking.”
Þarna er sagt að svefnganga gerist í svefnstigum 3 og 4 eða NREM svefnstigum ( NREM = Non REM = EKKI draumsvefn )