Að mínu mati var aðeins einn sem kom til greina sem næsti
forseti bna, Ralph Nader forseta efni frjálslynda fólksins, hér
eru nokkuð af því sem hann barðist fyrir
* National health care: Only Nader is for it.
* The death penalty: Only Nader is against it.
* The Pentagon budget: Only Nader wants to cut it. Only
Nader opposed the Gulf War.
* Campaign finance reform: Only Nader wants to stop
corporate money from strangling our democracy, with full
public financing and free TV time on the public airwaves.
* Affirmative action: Only Nader says, “After more than 300
years of affirmative action to benefit white males, we
definitely need affirmative action for people of color and
> * The environment: Only Nader will give us action, not
just rhetoric, on solar power and global warming.
* Rules for world trade: Only Nader says they must protect
worker rights and the environment.