Okay i agree people can be stupied but people are being conned and losing lots of money.
Tape recording in mannlif on 16th may 2007
Lögregla aðhefst ekki í píramídasvikum
16 maí 2007
Samtök verslunar og þjónustu hafa varað við píramídafyrirtækinu Aquanetword sem stjórnað er af Mark Wells og málaferli standa vegna svika hana á Bretlandi og Íslandi.
Fyrir rúmu ári,10 mar. 2006, fjallaði Mannlíf ítarlega um málefni Aquanetworld og birti meðal annars hljóðupptöku með lygum forsvarsmanns fyrirtækisins sem lofaði gulli og grænum skógum. Svikayrirtækið, sem sérhæfir sig í greiðslukortaútgáfu, hefur haft stórfé af fjölda manns en þrátt fyrir það aðhefst lögreglan ekkert.
Eftirfarandi var birt á mannlif.is í mars 2006:
Mark Ashley Wells, stofnandi píramídafyrirtækisins Aquanetworld, hefur verið búsettur á Íslandi undanfarna mánuði þótt lítið hafi farið fyrir honum. Wells, sem varð frægur fyrir uppljóstrun sína á því að píramídafyrirtækið SprinkleNetwork, þar sem fjöldi manns tapaði fé, væri svindl, hefur nú sjálfum verið stefnt fyrir dóm vegna meintra svika. Mannlíf birtir í marshefti sínu úttekt á Aquanetworld þar sem þræðir fyrirtækisins eru raktir frá Íslandi til Bretlands og Kýpur. Talið er að þúsundir manna séu í sárum á Kýpur eftir að hafa lagt milljónatugi í fyrirtækið gegn loforði Wells um gróða eða skilyrðislausa endurgreiðslu til fjárfesta, en þaðan lá leið hans til Íslands. Wells hvarf skyndilega frá Kýpur án þess að loforð um gróða gengju eftir og við það situr. Mannlíf ræddi við fórnarlömb og lögreglu á Kýpur. Þeir sem vilja fræðast um það hvernig fólk lét tilleiðast að fjárfesta í slíku fyrirtæki geta hlustað á ræðu Wells sem hann hélt yfir íslenskum fjárfestum á símafundi í apríl síðastliðnum. Á upptökunni, sem er annars staðar á síðunni, segist Wells meðal annars vera á lokastigi viðræðna við “annan stærsta banka heims” um 250 milljóna punda fjárfyrirtækið …..
Upptaka 1
Mark Wells byrjar ræðu sína á símafundi með því að fara fram á trúnað.
Upptaka 2
Wells gagnrýnir fjölþrepa sölufyrirtæki. Greinir frá “snilldarhugmynd” sinni um Risann (GIANTS), tölvukerfi sem býr til tekjur fyrir meðlimi Aquanet. Ekki hefur orðið af framkvæmdum. Hann greinir frá stórum áformum um að stofna Aquanetworld-háskóla víða um heim og kenna unglingum að starfa fyrir píramídafyrirtækið.
Upptaka 3
Næst stærsti banki heims hefur áform um að leggja 250 milljónir punda (30 milljarða króna) í Aquanet til þess að stofna fimm háskóla, með 250 táninga hver, að sögn Mark Wells. Ekki hefur orðið af efndum.
5 Athugasemdir
mono skrifar :
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to Mark Ashley Wells.Both Mark and Berglind owe money all over the place.
21.05.2007, kl. 14:30 | #
printed in Slough Observer 4th May 2007 skrifar :
hope this helps…
INNOCENT shopkeepers have been being duped into invest in a bogus loyalty card scheme by scammers. Slough Trading Standards is investigating Aquanetworld for allegedly making businesses sign up to a fake loyalty card scheme. Shops on Farnham Road, Slough, have been conned into handing over thousands of pounds since November. Narinder Bason, manager at Cartridge World, in Farnham Road, Slough, was one of the victims. He said: ?We paid £800 and were promised the world and haven?t got anything in return. You always hear about theses scams but never think something like this will happen to you. I was so convinced about the scheme that I even recommended it to a few friends and now I feel awful and can?t even show my face to them. They have made fools of us all.? The One World Internet Cafe also was bamboozled by the company, which is registered to be based in St Leonards Road, Windsor, into handing over nearly £100. Owner Ezaz Janjua said: ?I think it disgusting that people can con innocent people like us. We?re lucky that we didn?t give a lot of money because I know other people who gave a lot more than us. I just hope others learn from our mistakes. ? Trading standards officers will visit Farnham Road this week to warn traders about the scam and urge other victims to come forward. Slough?s Trading Standards is also liaising with the Office of Fair Trading and the Royal Borough?s Trading Standards team as part of the investigations. Mike Hembry, from Slough Trading Standards, said: ?We have known about this scam for a few months now. We would urge any business who have been effected to come forward. ?We are taking this very seriously and are also working with the Office of Fair Trading because of the national and international implications.?
24.05.2007, kl. 15:46 | #
Micheal skrifar :
Some facts. Yes Marks mother is dead, she has now died four or five times, which is quite remarkable. She finally died for good a couple of years back, Mark wasn't even bothered, too busy chasing the “gold”. Berglind can threaten you all she wants but they will not have the money or the know how to instigate a legal case and follow it through. You have to understand with Mark, he is not very bright, not very intelligent; he can't even spell words correctly. He has not had a proper education and he comes from a backward family. To many people in Slough who know him he is a joke symbol, an intellectual pygmy, not a genius. Ho does not understand basic Mathematics or basic English. He is morally and intellectually bankrupt, spineless. He is deluded; he thinks that he is some sort of God, the second coming, here to save the world. If you play along with him as I did, he will tell you stuff that shocks you. He thinks one day he will meet with Presidents and Prime Ministers, they did not even take him seriously at the bank. Why would any bank put money into a company where the owner has left a trail of debts from one end of England to the other. He cannot hire a car, rent an apartment, have a credit card, rent a mobile phone etc etc. His credit rating in the UK is zero, nothing. As you are no doubt aware credit rating is now International, he travels on a British passport and if he applies for any credit in the USA or Australia he will get the same response, no thanks. He tried to use my home address to rent a car when he was in the UK and it has turned up as a potential fraud on my account so they alerted Thames Valley Police, who are now looking into it along with the local papers who have called me agin this morning. Worse than that, he doesn´t even have any friends left, anywhere. He is what we in England call Billy no mates. You will find that there will always be somebody stupid enough to believe in him, like Berglind for instance, but fewer and fewer, the internet has made the world a very small place, and the smell from him and his company is spreading faster and faster. Just so that you know, I am not bitter, I did not lose any money investing in a scam MLM, I am not interested in any MLM/Pyramid, I just lost some time working and a small amount for software he did not pay for. It tells you all you need to know about the man that when I was in hospital with cancer and no money whatsoever, he was staying in a top hotel 5 miles away and could not be bothered to even visit me, which is just as well I suppose as my partner would have decked him!
25.05.2007, kl. 12:47 | #
Mark Wells var hinsvegar fórnarlamb Sprinklenetwork manna og átti hann inni margra mánaða laun sem hann fékk aldrei greidd?????
Mark Wells bought an MG Red Car from the money he received from sprinklenetwork which he was driving all round Cyprus conning people.
28.05.2007, kl. 13:41 | #
Aquanetworld Website skrifar :
Stefania Arna Marinosdottir has just recently sold her home, Mark Ashley Wells for the past 2 weeks has been living with her, the apartment he was renting in Strandavegur 15 was emptied very quickly,,Why did he leave so suddenly???
Why did he leave Suðerlandsbraut 4 so quickly???
Why is the Aquanetworld website closed???
Arna you have bought the franchise for the 3 time here in Iceland i hope Mark is not waiting to get the rest of the cash from your house.
Mark Wells has been bankrupt for years remeber when he used to show people the picture of his mansion in England Arna wake up.
28.05.2007, kl. 17:23