Augljóslega er þetta maður sem vill frekar ráðast gegn Ísrael en að vernda Líbanon. Óþægilegt að vita af því að hann sé leiðtogi samtaka sem voru með 13.000 flugskeyti fyrir stríðið.
En já kallinn er með stóran kjaft…
(23.október 2002)
If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.
(14.október 2002)
If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli.
(20.júlí 2006)
The Israeli Air Force could destroy the Lebanese army within hours … but cannot do this with us … we exercise guerilla warfare"
(6.desember 2002)
Martyrdom operations - suicide bombings - should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it.
(2.janúar 2000)
Even if [an agreement] is signed we will continue to view [Israel] as an illegitimate and illegal entity.
(31.desember 1999)
And on this last day of the century, I promise Israel that it will see more suicide attacks, for we will write our history with blood.
(5.apríl 1998)
The 50th anniversary of the bitter and distressing historical catastrophe of the establishment of the state of the grandsons of apes and pigs – the Zionist Jews – on the land of Palestine and Jerusalem.
(23.maí 2006)
The Zionist entity’s weakness is ‘their strong adherence to this world’…our strength is the willingness to sacrifice our blood and children.
(15.júlí 2006)
There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel.