Blondes are stupid!

Here is one proof:

“Lífsgæði eru mest í heimi í Svíþjóð og Danmörku samkvæmt vísitölu félagslegrar þróunar (WISP) sem fræðimenn við Pensylvaníuháskóla í Bandaríkjunum og Umeåháskóla í Svíþjóð hafa reiknað út. Ísland er í áttunda sæti samkvæmt henni.
Í vísitölunni er tekið m.a. tillit til lífslíkna fólks, umhverfisgæða, réttaröryggis og jafnréttismála. Noregur og Finnland koma á hæla Svíþjóð og Danmörku, því næst Lúxemborg, Þýskalandi, Austurríki og Ísland. Efsta tuginn fylla svo Ítalía og Belgía. ”

My friend translated this for me, and guess what?
There are most blond people in Sweden and Denmark, after that comes Norway and Finland, and then Luxemburg, Germany and Austria and then only comes Iceland, where, luckily, many people have dark hair.

This is a commie research taking into context stuff like “ the enviroment” unlike most such researches. Fucking enviromentalist, nazi propaganda!

Well, in all those countries, unusually many blondes are in the government, and the stupid blond man, obidient and unmanly as he is, does what ever they tell him to do, so this type of fanatical enviromentalist commie facism that this commie reseach calls “quality of life” is successful there.

But as we all know blondes are very stupid, unlike this nazi research would tell you that pretends they are smart people living “good” lifes in genral, with it's pretending that the only primarily “blond” countries are also the countries where life is best.

It's easy to proof why blondes are stupid. All the movies will tell you this, because everybody knows this. As any movie will tell you, a blond is stupid and easy, a redhaired woman is mysterious and strange, and often very wild, and a darkhaired woman is smart and moral. This is how it is and the whole world knows this. That is why it's considered racist to make fun of people in jokes such as black jokes and jokes about chinese people, but blond jokes are ok and moral because they only describe facts we all know to be true.

Fuck you easy blondes of Iceland!
You racist fucks!

There is no affirmative action in Iceland, since affirmative action exists to protect people from the stupidity of blondes, but this stupidity of blondes ruins every profession in Iceland, where blondes are too many.

Fuck you racist and start breaking FREE from your evil facist, nazi, communistic regime called Iceland!