Yo Icelander!
Fuck you blond man, you inbred redneck son of a blonde!
I am from the land of the free and the brave and you are from the land of the fish! Big difference! Land of the fish! Thats lame dude! I am a free man!
We are not all some stupid blondes with heriditary drinking problems.
Some of us are free people.
Fucking blond!
You fucking racist hating people just because of how they look and stuff!
Fucking inbred alhololic!
You suck you blonde!
Blondes are stupid!
And easy!
All Icelanders get down after a beer, and all the Icelandic men are as stupid as their blond mothers!
Fuck you all!

Fuck all you racist Icelanders!
You just have an inferority complex because you are all blond and as any movie will tell you, blondes are stupid!
And then you brag about you had the first female president of the world and stuff and the strongest men and beauty queens.
Well the dude was blond and couldn't do any thing but weight lifting, no brain you see?!
And the beauty queens, I bet they were easy like all you blondes!
And the president you liked so much…..Duh, she was a blonde you fuckers!
My country would never have no fucking blonde as a president.
And she was educated in acting and such……How blonde is that?
Our presidents are educated in politics!
You are just a bunch of loosers from the land of the fish!
From the land of the free and the home of the brave, I send you all my hate, because you are just some racists!
Fuck all you racists!
You should be ashamed of yourselfs!
Start speaking Thailandic and behaving American!
Don't be a racist you stupid blondes!

You fucking communist blondes I hate you!
There is no freedom there, the poor who are loosers and deserve to die are forced to live by their stupid government who pays hospitalisation for them, how communistic is that?!
And any looser in Iceland can get a degree because it's free, so don't get all educated on me, you blond looser, because your fishy government payed the education for you, you blond fuck!
I payed for my own education, I pay for my own hospitalisation and I pay for everything else pretty much myself.
Because I am free and proud and glad that my government isn't an evil communist regime like yours that forces me to pay for loosers and lowlife poor people to go to hospitals and get degrees and stuff like that.

You fucking commie blonde, you are just all slaves that have no freedom with fucked up values!

And you are all racists!

Why don't you have affirmitive action in Iceland you fuckers?

Affirmitive action exists to protect people because it prevents stupid blondes from getting all the good jobs and messing up all professions. If you start having it there, lots of thailanders and smart asian people can get good jobs, and arabs and such people can rule your government. Then they might be smart enough, not being stupid blondes like you fuckers, to end your evil communist regime!

Fuck you racist blondes!

You are stupid, lets face it, and you hate people just because they look different from you, you racist skumbags!