Sælir Hugarar.
Ég var að fá vefpóst frá eiginkonu Ernst Zundel. Hún reynir að senda út á póstlista yfir netið einusinni á dag um ýmis málefni.
Hún var að minna á það að Sunnudaginn 5. Febrúar eru 2 ár síðan manni hennar, Ernst Zundel, var stungið í steininn í Kanada.
Hér er hluti af þessum vefpósti sem ég fékk, lesið sjálf og kynnið ykkur málið.
Zundel Protest Demonstration Planned
The two-year anniversary of Ernst Zundel's imprisonment in solitary confinement in an atrocious prison in Canada is approaching. The date is February 5.
Zundel, a lifelong pacifist who challenges the orthodox version of the “Holocaust”, was kidnapped in Tennessee two years ago and is kept incarcerated as a political prisoner. We have the evidence, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, that Canadian government entities were at least partly involved. We even have some names!
There have been no charges. Bail has been repeatedly refused. Judge Blais, the Canadian judge running a Stalinist type show trial, is a former boss of the very intelligence agency that has compiled “secret evidence” against Zundel - evidence that he or even his attorneys are not allowed to know.
Not a single witness has been called by Zundel's political enemies.
Witnesses called by the Zundel defense team have been disallowed.
Meaningful cross-examination has been destroyed. These so-called “security certificate” hearings and proceedings have been a sham!
Canada needs to be held accountable in the eyes of the world for permitting such an unconscionable judicial lynching of a man who has no criminal record, who merely defends his right to a point of view on history that millions of people all over the world find intriguing
- and worth contemplating.
It is time to shame Canada - a so-called “democratic” country that allows and condones such an abomination to please a yammering minority!
Fleiri uppl. getið þið fengið á http://www.zundelsite.org/
Væri gaman að fá viðbrögð ykkar um það hvort sé einhver vilji til að láta mótmæli í ljós á Sunnudaginn 5. Febrúar fyrir utan Sendiráð Kanada, Túngötu 14, 101 Reykjavík.