Hér fyrir nokkrum dögum fékk ég e-mail sem eru hér fyrir neðan, þetta virtist allt vera mjög ótrúlegt frá byrjun, en það sem svo vakti fyrir þessari persónu en enn ótrúlegra, þarna virðist vera komin kol ruglaður femínisti frá Frankfurt að því ég fæ best séð.
Ég hafði séð umferð inn á heimasíðuna mína frá .dk en hélt það væri einhver íslendingur úti í Danmörku að skoða síðuna mína, en svo kemur þetta hér fyrir neðan. Persónulega er ég gáttaður, það að villa á sér heymildir og bjóða mér vinnu í Danmörku, eða Burundi í Afríku og vera svo í raun brjálaður femínisti með það sem markmið að reyna að gera mig að fífli.
Ég veit ekki hverju ég á von á næst, kannski morðhótun út af andstöðu minni við málstað femínista, ég gæti alveg trúað þeim til að grípa til vopna eins og hver önnur hryðjuverkasamtök.
—–Original Message—–
From: Ingrid Bjergman [mailto:pcorpdenmark@hotmail.com]
Sent: 14. mars 2004 23:23
To: gunsi@simnet.is
Subject: Regarding your resume on your website, www.simnet.is/gunsi/enskumsokn.doc
PCorp EW-Africa
Denmark Offices
132 Herlingevej
1152 Copenhagen
Dear Mr. or Ms. Gunnar Sævar Gylfason
First let me introduce our company. PCorp is one of the largest network and telecommunications operators in all of eastern West-Africa. Our corporate offices are located in Copenhagen, Denmark, where most of our work is done, although on occasion we do require our employees to do work in our African offices as well as some of our smaller outlets. This would also apply to you, should you choose to accept our offer. We are also in the works of closing a big deal with Microsoft Hotmail to oversee their European e-mail severs, which is indicative of our growing size and importance in European and African networking services.
Our attention has been brought to your Curriculum Vitae on your webpage.
You mention you?ve had extensive experience in the field of TCP/IP networking, along with some knowledge of UNIX and Windows Operating Systems.
Furthermore we require that our network assistants have sizable knowledge of C/C++ and Java, as some of our software is programmed in-house. Your vast experience with computers is something we really look for in our network assistants, as we believe people with no experience but ample schooling can sometimes lack the knowledge of how things are done in the real computer world. This would make you ideally suited for the job of a network assistant, working under Ms. Victoria Westerström, our chief network administrator in Burundi.
Should you be interested in our offer, as an Assistant Network Manager, working primarily out of our offices in Burundi, but with possible assignments in various other parts of the world, we would like to have you in for an interview at our corporate offices in Denmark. We would be glad to reimburse any costs relating to the trip. Your interview would be scheduled for Wednesday the 31st of March, so we will need your answer by no later than the 20th of March.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Ingrid Bjerman
Personel Manager PCorp EW-Africa/Denmark
__________________________________ _______________________________
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From: Gunnar Sævar Gylfason *gunsi@simnet.is
To: “'Ingrid Bjergman'” *pcorpdenmark@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website,
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 05:22:44 -0000
This all looks very positive and promising; I must say it would be very
big step for me to move to another country - or even go to job
interview in foreign land. I'm sorry to admit that I think money would
be a issue regarding plain tickets - and other issues I have been
thinking about, like I don?t really know who you are, so I checked the
ip address in the header of this e-mail and is shows that you are
sending from ip and trace route places you in Frankfurt,
which is weird to me, like this all e-mail is weird to me. Like for an
instance, Burundi looks not exactly to me like a place where technology
is flourishing, if I read the news on this page
http://allafrica.com/burundi/ then all I see is disaster news. But I
have a very skeptic mind - and maybe you are very patient person and
would like to give me more info about this all.
www.simnet.is/gunsi/enskumsokn .doc
PCorp EW-Africa
Denmark Offices
132 Herlingevej
1152 Copenhagen
Dear Mr. or Ms. Gunnar Sævar Gylfason
We are glad that you have some skeptic thoughts on our e-mail, since
that is the mark of an intelligent person. To address your question regarding the IP address of the e-mail server: currently a company in Frankfurt, Germany is handling the e-mail services for Microsoft Hotmail, but as mentioned before,
we are in the process of closing a deal with Microsoft Hotmail to
overtake the hosting of their e-mail servers in Europe. In response to
your second question, Burundi is a place of great turmoil at the
moment, however also a place of great opportunities. The Burundi
capital, Bujumbura, is the main place of conflict, but our offices are
located in the quiet small town of Cankuzo, near the Tanzanian boarder.
Our current staff there are very content with the situation in that
part of Burundi and we?ve had no trouble with the National Liberation
Forces there. However, you would be paid a considerable amount each
month as a risk-bonus, and you would get an extensive life-insurance
should you be interested in the job. Again, we assure you; the disputes
in the country are mostly confined to the area around the capital and to indigenous people.
As stated before, we would be happy to reimburse any costs relating to
the trip. Please make sure you take a receipt for your ticket purchase
and any other form of transportation you will be using during your stay in Denmark.
At the end of your stay, take a receipt for your hotelcosts and send it
to our offices and we will send you a cheque or transfer the total
amount to an
account in your name.
Please, let us know what your decision will be or if you have any
further questions.
Ingrid Bjerman
Personel Manager PCorp EW-Africa/Denmark
From: Gunnar Sævar Gylfason *gunsi@simnet.is
To: “'Ingrid Bjergman'” *pcorpdenmark@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website,
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 13:34:50 -0000
I don?t think I am ready to jump to Denmark with such short notice, and
if I draw conclusions from job interviews that I have gone to past few
months then I really don?t think that I am suddenly going to get a job
in Denmark, or in Burundi, for all I see it is too hot there for
computer systems, unless computers there have extra cooling devices.
It's really not wise to buy air plain tickets to Denmark and have no
idea who you or your company are, and I even don?t have money for that
kind of adventure.
So I must thank you for your interest in my resume, and my work power,
it is nice to see that some one really thinks that I am valuable
possible workforce for their company.
—–Original Message—–
From: Ingrid Bjergman [mailto:pcorpdenmark@hotmail.com]
Sent: 17. mars 2004 15:38
To: gunsi@simnet.is
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website,
PCorp EW-Africa
Denmark Offices
132 Herlingevej
1152 Copenhagen
Dear Mr. or Ms. Gunnar Sævar Gylfason
We are sorry to hear about your financial problems. We will be hiring
again this July, and we would like it if we could contact you again at that time.
One important question that we need answered though, is whether or not
you are male or female, since our current program only allows females
to be hired at this time. This is, as you understand, to fight the
popular trend of an ?all-men? profession, that the computer industry is.
Regarding our computer systems in Africa, they have no special cooling,
since the average temperature in Burundi is about 23° Centigrade, the
highs being no more than about 40° Centigrade which is well within the
limits for stable heat dissipation of an Intel Pentium IV processor.
Ingrid Bjerman
Personel Manager PCorp EW-Africa/Denmark
From: Gunnar Sævar Gylfason *gunsi@simnet.is
To: “'Ingrid Bjergman'” *pcorpdenmark@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website,
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 18:35:56 -0000
I see, and do you really think it is fair if you look at how many of
those who graduate with computer degree are men, so you maybe have 30
men who graduate, and 10 female, then you would like to make those 30
unemployed because the are not the right gender for the job ?
Do you know that the Nazis in the Second World War only hired the
people of the right race in jobs, which is the same you are doing,
How come women don?t want that their gender to be levelled out in other
jobs that are all men profession like labour worker, or do women only
want certain professions that men are much into because of their
interest. Many many more men have interest in computers or machines
than women, and you want to make those men to have less change of
getting job that fits their interest.
Good luck with your gender discrimination program, and maybe some day
you will also have skin colour discrimination program that allows only
the right skin colour to be hired in certain jobs.
This page www.stuff.is/femin is not made by me. It is in Icelandic, but
it is made by someone that has seen the injustice in this gender
discrimination that you are talking about and its shows how similar the
feminist cause are to the Nazi party.
—–Original Message—–
From: Ingrid Bjergman [mailto:pcorpdenmark@hotmail.com]
Sent: 17. mars 2004 22:09
To: gunsi@simnet.is
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website, www.simnet.is/gunsi/enskumsokn.doc
Dear Gunnar,
That?s an interesting analogy, the feminists and the nazis. Just like the nazis did in WWII, feminists are now herding all men into concentration camps and having them mass-murdered. Furthermore, just like the nazis did, feminists are taking over your congress, the ?Althingi,? with their 19 representatives out of a total of 63 seats, even though women make up 52% of the population. And just like the nazis, feminists are taking over all of the jobs where a higher education is required, e.g. in network administration. That is mainly due to the feminists taking over universities all over the world though, women being 62% of all students attending courses. Maybe men are just not interested in taking the time needed to get a higher education? I think you?d be best suited to answer that question since you don?t have one, thus not being qualified for the job of a network administrator.
On a side note, it is illegal to hire women over men if the man is more qualified. Which is why all companies with affirmative action programs hire men as well: if there are considerably fewer women in your workforce than men and you have to hire a new employee and you have a choice between a man and a woman, the woman only gets the job if she is equally or more qualified than the man. The only reason a man would be opposed to affirmative action, is if he isn?t as qualified as women in his profession. Which would explain your fear of feminists, since you haven?t even finished college. I mean, you don?t actually think you?ll get a job as a network administrator with just some very basic computer knowledge? You didn?t even know that the IP address of hotmail e-mails doesn?t show the IP address of where the sender is, but where the hotmail server is located. And how ignorant do you have to be to think that computers don?t work in Africa just because it?s a little hotter there? Do you know how much server computers cost? If extra cooling would be needed, the cost wouldn?t even be measured in percentages. Stop blaming others for your misfortunes and take control of your own life! Get a better education, and I guarantee you that you?ll get a job in computers. It isn?t enough to have some experience setting up a small network in your own home or replacing capacitors on a motherboard. If you?re not willing to put in the extra effort to get a degree, then you?ll have to face the fact that the only job in computers you?ll probably ever get is in selling them.
We wish you all the best and hope that you?ll one day be able to see that there is usually more than one side to every issue.
A group of people who have been having fun at your ignorance?s expense.
—–Original Message—–
From: Gunnar Sævar Gylfason [mailto:gunsi@simnet.is]
Sent: 18. mars 2004 01:17
To: ‘Ingrid Bjergman’
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website, www.simnet.is/gunsi/enskumsokn.doc
I read a little more of this e-mail. I think I am going to post this e-mail conversation to show how sick feminist can be, and for your information, ip address in the header of hotmail messages show the actual ip address of the sender, it is so that threats or offensive e-mails can be traced to the original sender.
And about Africa, I can't image that there are many computers there because of the head, and it shows how ignorant you are to actually talk about Africa has a place for technology that needs much cooling. And yes I know what server computers are expensive , and placing liquid cooling in them makes them even more expensive.
—–Original Message—–
From: Gunnar Sævar Gylfason [mailto:gunsi@simnet.is]
Sent: 18. mars 2004 01:30
To: ‘Ingrid Bjergman’
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website, www.simnet.is/gunsi/enskumsokn.doc
All right, let those people laugh at this, and for your information, if I take MCSE degree which is about 1 to 2 month of education, then I would have even more change of getting a job than after 4 years of study at the computer department from the school I have finished, for me that?s some thing to laugh about, but yes I am going to post this e-mail conversation to show how sick feminist can be.
And more for you to laugh about. here it is. And a screen shot of the trace route for X-Originating-IP: []
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From: “Ingrid Bjergman” *pcorpdenmark@hotmail.com
To: gunsi@simnet.is
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website, www.simnet.is/gunsi/enskumsokn.doc
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 22:08:32 +0000
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From: Ingrid Bjergman [mailto:pcorpdenmark@hotmail.com]
Sent: 17. mars 2004 22:09
To: gunsi@simnet.is
Subject: RE: Regarding your resume on your website, www.simnet.is/gunsi/enskumsokn.doc