kíkiði á tónlistarbloggið mitt http://www.ouimusique.blogspot.com þar sem ég tala um það heitasta í raftónlistarheiminum í dag. Og þá er ég ekki að tala um e-h house sjitt.
Og þá er ég ekki að tala um e-h house sjitt.
House: hommatrommutónlist frá Chicago
Electro-house: Skítur eins og Sander kleinenberg, Fedde le grand og David Guetta
Þessi síða: Hvorugt af ofantöldu
n ég skil ekki afhverju fólk eins og þú þarf að væla yfir því að fá hluti frítt…
Það er staðreynd að flest allir listamenn sem koma fram á þessum svo kölluðu mp3 bloggum hafa látið höfunda bloggana fá lögin beint í þeim tilgangi að þeim sé miðlað út á netið í gegnum þessi blogg.
These songs are posted for evaluation purposes only. We, the contributors, love and support well-made music and make every effort to support the artists we love by purchasing their work (it is our policy only to post what we own). Through this site, we're simply trying to share good music with others who will also hopefully continue to support these artists. We encourage everyone to purchase music and concert tickets for the artists you feel merit your hard earned dollars (if you listen to something again and again… why not?). Also, if you own the copyright to one of these songs and would like a song removed, please let us know. We do not keep an archive of our songs.
Feel free to contact us if you are a band, label or distributor and think we'd be interested in your music. Same goes if you're playing a gig in either Los Angeles, NYC, Philly or Minneapolis and want us to come.
You can download all the music on aurgasm – right-click the song names and select Save Target As. These files will be removed at some indefinite point.
All files on aurgasm are online with permission of the copyright holder.
This music is here for evaluation purposes ONLY.
That's what I want you to do: eval-u-ate: try on this music for size, see if it fits you. If you enjoy it, learn more. Explore the artist, delve into the genre.
Take an active approach in finding music you love. Only you can find what you love. Immerse yourself in it. Buy the CD. Go to the show and meet your favorite artist afterwards. Tell them their music changed you. Support the artists whose work you adore.
Be passionate about music.
The boys were lovely enough to give us a bunch of new stuff…
The music on this site is intended to inspire you to support the musicians who make it. If you have a question, submission, or complaint, please email.