Nú eru kominn screenshot og upplýsingar um Oblivion á http://www.elderscrolls.com/games/oblivion_overview.htm ég skrifaði aðra grein um hann fyrir ekki svo löngu þar sem ég sagði frá mörgu um hann og nú hefur það allt verið staðfest.

Hér er FAQ af síðuni

What's the release date?
We haven't announced a release date yet and don't plan to do so for a while.
How long has it been in development?
Since Mid 2002.

What does the name “Oblivion” mean?
Tamriel is the world of The Elder Scrolls and Oblivion is the equivalent of Hell in Tamriel.

Where does Oblivion take place?
In Cyrodiil, which is the capital province of Tamriel, as well as parts of Oblivion itself.

What does ‘future generation consoles’ mean?
It refers to video game consoles that aren't yet available, or even announced.

What are the PC system requirements?
We don't know at this time, but it will certainly look the best on the latest hardware available when the game is released.

Can I be a beta tester?
When we reach the stage where we need external beta testers, we'll put out an announcement and information on how to apply. Until then, we don't keep names or lists, so you'll have to wait for the announcement.

Will Oblivion include multiplayer?
No, Oblivion is a single-player game only. Rather than split our focus between two different types of gameplay, we'd rather focus on one and make it the best single-player experience possible.

What perspective do I play the game in, first or third-person?
Both. The game is meant to be played first person. However, you can toggle the view with the press of a button/key. Both views are available throughout the entire game.

Will the TES Construction Set be included again?
Yes, the TES Construction Set will be included with the PC version. It will not be available on a console.

Does the story in Oblivion pick up where Morrowind ended?
No, each chapter of the Elder Scrolls series is a different story unto itself and isn't directly connected to any of the other storylines. All of it adds to the lore and history of The Elder Scrolls, but you don't have to play previous games to know what's going on in this one.

I have lots of ideas and questions, where do I send them?
We encourage you to register on our official forums and post your ideas and questions in the Oblivion section, where our fans and developers share and discuss ideas and answer questions about the game and what they'd like to see.

Are those real screenshots or are they renders?
All the screenshots are 100% authentic screenshots taken while playing the game.

Where can I get more information on the game?
Continually visit our website and look for many previews that are coming across all gaming publications. Information will slowly be revealed on the game until it is released