Það eru tveir hlutir sem að hugurum myndi langa til að vita. Eftirfarandi texti er tekinn af <a href="http://www.interplaygames.com:8080/~bgate“ target=”_blank“>BGII korkunum</a> hjá Interplay, og fjallar um nýja NPCinn (sennilega Elminster):

”<b>New NPC in the expansion:</b> We are aware of the late NPC syndrome which is why every NPC in BGII could be accessed in Chapter 2.

We're also aware that people wanted an NPC for Tales of the Sword Coast so we really wanted to add one for Throne of Bhaal.

Solution - a very cool NPC that the player has a history. This is someone the player knows, not a brand new personality. Even if the NPC doesn't end up fitting a player's party in the long run, I still think that everyone will want to try the NPC. We've made sure that the NPC is extremely useful.“


Hitt er það að BioWare er að leita að Save-um til þess að prófa. Eftirfarandi texti er tekinn af heimasíðu <a href=”http://www.bioware.com“ target=”_blank“>BioWare</a>:

<b>Wanna help with the development of Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal?</b>

Here's your chance. BioWare is looking for saved games from any Baldur's Gate game. If you want to give us a hand, here's a quick rundown on how to deliver what we're looking for:

1) Browse to your save game folder (on BGII it's usually ”C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\BGII - SoA\save“)
2) The folders you see (inside ”save“) are your saved games - choose one
3) Make a .zip file of the folder you want to submit to BioWare (do not send the ”save“ folder)
4) Create an email message to: <a href=”mailto:bg2saves@bioware.com">bg2saves@bioware.com</a>
5) Attach the .zip file to the message.
6) Send the email, with the .zip file attached.

We're going to gather saved games for the next two weeks, then close it down. We really want to ensure that the game works with every possible save game, so dust off your Baldur's Gate games (BGI, Tales, BGII) and send them to us.

Nú er bara að velja eitt save frá sér og senda til kanadísku forritaranna og fá að vita hvort þeir virki í Throne of Bhaal.<br><br>Kv.


Nordom: Attention: Morte, I have a question. Do you have a destiny? A purpose?
Morte: Is Annah still wearing clothes?
Nordon: Affirmatory.
Morte: Then the answer is yes.