Ætla bara að skella þessu á ensku þar sem ég er ekki að fara að nenna að þýða þetta. Vil bara þurfa að skrifa þetta einu sinni. ^^

Age of the Dark Void:
The time before the world was spanned with the river of magic is known as the age of The Dark Void.

Age of Magic:
The River of Magic flows through the world. Spinning a weep-like river through the Black Void. Creatures, linked to the weep that gives them eternal life, step out of the weep.

Age of Gods:
The gods are separated into two groups, Elder gods and Elemental gods.
Elder gods rule over various unquestionable powers.
Elemental gods rule over materials that can be found in the river of magic.
The Elder gods rule over the Elemental gods.

Age of Planes:
The Elder gods task the Elemental gods to create a plane for each of them in the way they want. When they finish their work they each make their own lair.
Then all together they make many various planes. For the Elemental gods, these planes were each one art. But for the Elder gods, each plane for a place to make for themselves.

Age of Rage:
The Elder gods started to fight over each realm, being careful that unleashing to much of their own power into the plane would decimate it. They would have to find another way to make much force without releasing too much power of their own.

Age of Mortals:
Each Elder god created creatures for them. These creatures were unlinked to the power of the River of Magic and therefore mortals and would not disturb the state of the plane.
Then they equipped the creatures with weapons and items, enchanted with the gods’ power, and made a gate into the plane they wanted to invade.

Age of Conquer:
Empires rose and fell quite fast these times. Each Elder god compelled to invade more and more planes, making them their own.
The Elemental gods had always bowed to the power of the Elder gods. But they all knew that the Elder gods had gone to far this time. In order to protect the rest of the planes they had made, their art, they decided to create guardians of their own making.
Enchanted with power from the Elemental gods a guardian could stand against any army the Elder gods would send.
Seven planes were the Elemental gods able to save, as seven guardians were all they could make.

Age of Building:
When Elder god sent an army to a plane protected by a guardian. The army would not be slain. The gate would only work one way, you could enter but not leave. So for the gods would never enter one, as they would be trapped inside of it.
Many gods sent armies into the planes before realizing what would happen. Those races would then be free of their gods and would start building their own lives in this new world.

Age of Guardians:
This is the time of World of Astreenar; Demons of Lethin.
For centuries not a single army has entered any of the guardians’ planes.
But now a gate has appeared in a land called Eon, and from it come horrific creatures called demons. These demons invade the country, killing and enslaving everything they see.
The demons are looking for a way to the guardians, in order to slay him and open the way for their master.

–Will you defend the plane where you were born in? Or will you fight with the demons and enslave the planes?

–Will you put up a shop for ether side (or both) and sell people the things they need? Or will you steal/grind to earn money for house and food, or just wander around as a beggar?

–The chouse is yours. Be it a gladiator, assassin, shopkeeper, troublemaker, savior, historian, ruler or slave. Or a little bit of everything.

World of Astreenar will be waiting for you to make your impact on the world.

Neverwinter Nights 2: Persistent World
Dreacon Modules introduce:
World of Astreenar: Demons of Lethin.

Jæja, svo vil ég minn á að beta skráning er hafin. Það sem ekki var neitt mikil skráning eftir að ég senti inn korkinn þá vildi ég bara setja þetta inn hér líka. Ef korkurinn er eitthvað að fara framhjá fólki.

Ég ætla að útskíra aðeins hvernig beta testið mun fara fram.
Til að byrja með verða aðeins borgirnar opnaðar. Lítið verður af NPC um og eitthvað af auðum svæðum hér og þar. Landskape-ið verður ekki fullunnið og ekkert on-enter script og öll race geta skoðað hverja borg fyrir sig.
Svo með aðstoð “Beta-testera” munu borgirnar vera place-aðar með NPC-um og sögu persóna sem koma upp í þeirri samvinnu.
Eftir að borgirnar eru orðnar ágætar þannig að ekki lengur sægt að kall borginar “Beta borgir” þá verður farið í að “dispute/sortera” raceinn svo þau fái aðeins að fara í þessar borgir og s.f.v.
Þegar því er lokið fara utanáliggjandi svæði að sýna sig. Og testerar geta fært sig úr borgunum og skoðað svæðin eftir að hvert svæði er opnað.
Yfirleitt munu svæðin vera þegar fyllt af NPC-enemies og svoleiðis, annað en borgirnar, strax og þau koma út. Síðan fer það eftir testurunnum hvernig svæðin verða balanseruð.

Til að gerast Beta-Tester:
–Hafa aðgang að NWN2
–Hafa Mic
–Vera aðeins þroskaður.
–Vera meðvitaður um hvað Roleplay er. Þar að segja að geta tekið þátt í roleplay eventum. Þó fólk sé ómeðvitað en hefur áhuga á RP þá er það velkomið, bara að það sýni þann áhuga með því að gera sitt besta og hlusta á ráð hjá öðrum.