Interplay hefur verið gleypt af franska risanum “Titus Interaction”. Titus gaf út frá sér þessa tilkynningu 16. ágúst síðastliðinn:


PARIS, Aug 16 (Reuters) - French video games maker Titus Interactive has taken majority control of U.S. Interplay Entertainment Corp after exchanging a wad of convertible bonds for Titus shares earlier this week.

Titus, which rattled investors earlier this year when it mulled selling what is seen as a key strategic asset, said on Thursday it had increased its stake in Interplay to 51.53 percent versus the 34 percent it held in June.

``This purchase raises Titus Interactive's voting rights and will enable, during the Annual General Meeting in September, a re-election of the board and a takeover of Interplay by Titus Interactive,'' Titus said in a statement.

After exchanging 336,070 convertible bonds into 6.68 million Interplay shares on Tuesday, taking its holding to 27.09 million shares, Titus still holds a further 383,354 convertibles.

Shares in Titus were down 3.25 percent at 5.66 euros at 0754 GMT, underperforming the small-cap Nouveau Marche (^NMFK - news) which showed a loss of 1.58 percent.


Svo virðist sem að frakkarnir ætli að eignast sér heiminn, en m.a. á franska samsteypan Vivendi Universal tölvuleikjarisana Blizzard Entertainment, sem að vinnur nú að WarCraft III og verkefni sem að kynnt verður á ECTS nú í september, og Sierra sem að er með leyfið fyrir tölvuleikjum byggðum á Lord of the Rings og The Hobbit, auk þess sem þeir sáu um útgáfu hins gríðarvinsæla leiks Half-Life.

Nú er bara að vona að Titus hífi Interplay upp á hærra plan og eyði mestum þeim fjárhagsörðugleikum sem að þar eru.
