Hvað get ég sagt? Ég hackaði ekki og nenni ekki að standa í svona djöfulsins rugli.
Ég kem alveg að fjöllum, enda staddur í Dubai að slappa af, þá sé ég þennan þráð og bara skil núll. Núna er bara spurningin hvort ég deali við þetta eftir viku þegar ég kem heim eða hætti í cod, bara meika þetta ekki.
Ekki aðeins eyðileggur þetta Clanbase fyrir mér heldur allar aðrar deildir, preinvite og allt sem ykkur dettur í hug nema SNIPERKILLERS 24/7 SNIPER PUBLIC spilunina mína.
æji sjitt
Bætt við 28. mars 2010 - 21:45 Hello and good day.
I know I am not the first man to complain about being a victim of stupidity – but I can not stand aside and take this from Clanbase.
I have played Call of duty 4 since the game first came out, playing CB’s & cups and even winning a LAN two months ago. Recently I even played with Team Iceland in the NationsCup. Now, when one looks at the average hacker he usually doesn’t attend LAN’s (and win them), plays for a mediocre team with a mere 1250 points on CB and sticks around playing for the same team for a whole year. I would have to be the most retarded hacker in history of gaming (or the smartest).
I first entered my guid at CB the 4th of January 2008, since then I’ve played thousands of CB matches, never exceeding top 100 I believe. I also believe that the vast majority of the Icelandic community will agree that I’m clean. But enough of this blabbering - lets get into business.
I was banned for aimbotting in a match, yes, a weird thing to do don’t you think? I thought I was being trolled when they first accused me of doing so. So, I downloaded my demo to see what they were talking about. My aim was twitching a little in the demo and it lagged to the point of my gun flying around the screen sometimes, I understand that this can cause confusion. Note that I am being accused of aimbotting.
War ID:
http://clanbase.ggl.com/demodl.php?did=776633There you can see my demo.
A prove that I was in fact not aimbotting lies is the demos of my teammates. To prove that my demo was lagging (which I was doing the whole match, playing with 100+ ping) you can spec my teammates demo and see that I’m not twitching around when you spec him. I know that it sounds weird that my demo lags, and I find so too, but it is the only explanation viable since I know for a fact that I didn’t hack in anyway. If anyone thinks I wallhacked in the demo he can freely check so but it’s obvious that I didn’t from simply looking at the first rounds.
I want to be UNBANNED and I want it now. The lot of you don’t have to believe me but I know that I didn’t hack and this frustrates me to an extend that I can not describe. Please check my logs, demos or whatever because as a man with a clear conscience I have nothing to hide.
Best regards, Ingvar.