Privateers fara að verða blankir. Sjá eftirfarandi úr patch notes:
Fees for starting and maintaining wars are directly proportional to either the number of wars your corporation or alliance is engaged in, or the number of wars the victim is engaged in. Previously only the number of wars the victim was engaged in was taken into consideration.
If the victim is involved in wars they did not initiate, those wars are counted towards the number influencing the cost of this war. If the instigator is also involved in wars they initiaged, those wars are also counted.
Hef reyndar aldrei haft neitt á móti þessum greyjum, eru bara að gera það sem leikurinn bíður upp á. En fínt að það verði gert þeim aðeins dýrkeyptara :)
Canon EOS 500D/Rebel T1i - EF 17-40mm f/4L USM - EF 28mm f/1.8 USM - EF 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 V USM