Jæja við decleruðum war á eitt corp. Og þeir gerðu eins og allir aðrir: Convo CEO->Whine!
Hérna eru convoin.
Pat Garret > HI
Verizana > hi
Pat Garret > you just declared war on our corp
Pat Garret > why ?
Verizana > no comprende
Pat Garret > we dont know you guys
Pat Garret > why at war
Verizana > no understand
Pat Garret > bo war
Pat Garret > no war
Verizana > war?
Pat Garret > you declared war on us, we are training corp for newbies
Pat Garret > no sport for you
Verizana > me talk english little
Pat Garret > dont want war
Verizana > war?
Verizana > *boom*?
Pat Garret > no war we have received a mail saying you have declared war
Pat Garret > all newbies
Pat Garret > no thank you
Verizana > yes
Verizana > ahh war = *boom*
Pat Garret > any one in your corp speak good english
Pat Garret > no war
Verizana > we from útland
Pat Garret > that is good
Pat Garret > but we dont know you guys
Pat Garret > have never had dealings with you guys
Pat Garret > i think you have wrong corp
Verizana > wrong?
Verizana > me understand no
Pat Garret > yeah you have the wrong corp
Pat Garret > we dont know you
Verizana > we *boom* you
Pat Garret > why
Pat Garret > you have to have reason
Verizana > fun *boom*
Verizana > reason?
Pat Garret > but we are training newbies only no fun
Pat Garret > just too easy for you
Verizana > you pay 50 million no *boom*
Pat Garret > wea re in an alliance of 75 corps, its your loss
Pat Garret > i tried
Pat Garret > mwa
Verizana > you alliance no
Pat Garret > mwa alliance
Pat Garret > your not being fair to the new guys we are training up to help them
Verizana > we *boom* you , no you pay 50 million
Pat Garret > you pay us 100 mill for inconvience
Verizana > you pay yes we pay no
Pat Garret > what ever you have made a mistake, we will not be paying this is a training corp ony not a fighting corp
Pat Garret > we just help newbies
Verizana > we help *boom*
Pat Garret > what ever
Pat Garret > verizana
Pat Garret > sorry wrong window
Pat Garret > dont know them psyco
Pat Garret > wrong window
Pat Garret > ok we have advised the newbies to leave the corp and the corp has disbanded as of tonight
Pat Garret > corp gone no war
OK.. eillega end of war.
Hér er hins vegar annað convo frá öðrum gaur sem nennti ekki að tala við mig á endanum…
Psyco Groupie > what is this about
Verizana > understand no
Psyco Groupie > why you declare war
Verizana > war *boom*
Psyco Groupie > lol what ever
Verizana > Pat say what ever yes
Psyco Groupie > what…
ég hló hart yfir þessu öllu…
ég veit að ég á eftir að fá fullt af skít kasti hérna frá eikkerjum sniðugum gaurum eins og Ristavel o.fl. þannig að geymið það bara fyrir sjálfa ykkur því þið græðið ekkert á þessu.