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We are the Collective. We are as one. Protection and prosperity through assistance and assimilation.
The Collective was one of three founding corps of Stain Alliance and did a fair part in the fight for the survival of Stain Alliance in the old days.
We fought in the Curse war and did our part to help win the war, which lasted for over a year (SE lived on and CA didn’t, can’t dispute that :P). After that, The Collective along with Storm Guard Elite and Shadow Company left SE and moved to their old battleground in Curse.
We now live in Curse and have a peace agreement with the Atuk & co group that currently claim Curse and have a tight bond with some of the corps that left SE.
The Collective’s lines have grown thinner than we’d like in the past months, mainly due to players getting bored with the game and going to play WoW. We still maintain many of our leaders and have a solid plot going, which will of course provide: a) pvp b) pvp and c) fun.
What we are looking for are dedicated icelandic pvpers with at least 8 million skillpoints in pvp skills (each case will be reviewed separately), very much combat experience in 0.0 space, self sufficiency (good players who are broke get helped back on their feet though), a good attitude, teamspeak + mic and a minimum age of 17 years.
Oh and if it hasn't been stressed enough then we're nothing but pvpers and thus want to recruit dedicated pvpers.
Icelandic players who believe they meet the requirements and have the will to fight please evemail Masta Killa or Muad'dib.
Be prepared to send a screenshot of your skillsheet.