Sko, það er ekki nein leið fyrir mig að útskýra GNW í stuttu máli hehe. En ég skal reyna. Fyrst kemur smá hluti á ensku,nenni ekki að þýða þetta, svo held ég áfram. Ég notaði þetta til þess að nýir félagar í corpinu mínu gætu áttað sig á stöðunni eins og hún var þá.
CoD, FU and PA were in an ‘Alliance alliance’ called Northern Alliance Securty Treaty (NAST). They broke the treaty and FU and CoD decided to boot PA out of NAST and admitt NORAD alliance in their place.
They were not happy with that and attacked FU, a fellow NAST member and, longtime, close ally with CoD. This resulted in the instant declaration of war against PA, since they attacked a fellow NAST member.
CoD and PA have a long history, both good relations, but more often tense.
1. PA requests use of COD border station as an ammo dump in thier war with EVOL. COD agrees immediatly. (how friendly of us)
2. Weeks later, a pilot from Exodus corp (COD) is destroyed by a pilot from Cataclysm Enterprises in pure blind. A complaint is made with CE and PA.
3. Days later, a pilot from VentureCorp is destoryed by a pilot from Cataclysm Enterprises in pure blind. A complaint is made with CE and PA.
4. The complaints from these indidents are officially ignored, but convos with both CE and a number of PA directors yield a similar response: That PA member activities are not the responsibility of PA when the member corps are not in PA space. COD drops these incidents completely at this point in the interest of peace.
5. Time goes by….
6. Rona-Kia (PA) begins waging war on our ally, RSA (now Fade Union) over some small incident. Can't remember what it was, but the price to end the war was a single lvl 2 BS. COD stays neutral to this conflict.
7. Rona-Kia (PA) suddenly attacks COD and captures our refinery station. They then withdraw from COD space, with the provision that they retain control of the refinery station. In the interest of figuring out what prompted the attack in the first place, COD does not initiate any further agression.
8. After a few days of no response to requests to discuss this matter, COD re-captures it's refinery. PA immediatly attacks COD again, and indicates that due to our re-capture, they intend to keep the station forever (essentially wanting to rule COD?)
9. Massive forum war begins, at which time, PA states it's reasoning behind the original attack. The reason given was that, because we were allies with Fade, if they attacked COD we might put pressure on Fade to give in to the demands of PA (remember, 1 lvl 2 BS) and end the conflict.
10. Popular opinion seems to be overwhelmingly against PA, and suddenly, they say “we didn't want your station anyway” and end hostilities.
11. Within days, PA is visiting COD space (without permission) for a very different reason. To be very very very friendly. They invite us to mining ops, offer to run protection for mining ops, and state that they are here to generaly smooth things over at Halseths request. A little uncomfortable with the sudden change of situation, COD is a bit non-responsive.
12. Time Passes…..
13. COD is contacted by PA and asks us if we would like to apply for a NAP with them. I personally found this ironic, as since THEY were contacting US, I would have thought it would be the other way around. But we said, “sure, yes” and after 6 days deliberation, PA agreed the give COD the NAP that we had asked for.
14. Time passes with almost no interaction between COD and PA…..
15. PA declares Tribute/Vale “free” regions.
16. PA presents NAST treaty to both COD and FU. The dream of a unified north is too good to pass up and we sign.
17. COD members express thier discomfort in light of the Cataclysm enterprise issues that were left unresolved months before. The old complaints were re-submitted to Robeyone and Halseth. I was personnaly assured that the matter would be fully investigated and action would be taken. Never heard another thing.
17. COD receives a copy of the NAST treaty, which is essentially a mutual protection pact, nothing more.
18. Within weeks, PA re-declares Tribute/Vale “free” regions under the NAST banner. I proceed to complain on the newly created NAST forums that nothing in our copy of the NAST treaty mentions Tribute or Vale, and indicated that I was a bit upset at them using NAST as a way to legitimize policy that had not been officially discussed. I was told that the copy I had (official COD copy) was the “draft”. My concern are dismissed and essentially fall from view. I drop the issue, since I had no problem with the “free” regtions at all, only the way it was done.
19. Tensions escalate between RKK and PA. RKK is a very good friend to COD and FU, so I make an honest attempt to help mediate the dispute. From Galavet I get Mature responses. From PA, I get smacktalk, and statements like “COD is going to place the interest of 1 friend over the NAST treaty? Get your priorities straight!” I continue trying, but ultimatly fail, as I can never find anyone in PA to talk rationally about the RKK situation.
20. COD informs PA that we will in no way assist them in a war with RKK, and that, since PA knew of the close relationship between us before NAST, it was a bit silly of them to expect us to abandon our friend.
21. Halseth returns, and someone actually speaks maturely for the PA side. Tensions relax. Promises are made. Sanctions are given.
22. Halseth leaves, sanctions are broken, war breaks out. PA indicates in chat channels that COD had better not abandon thier “friend” (PA I'm assuming) in it's time of need.
23. COD, respectful of the NAST agreement, closes it's space, and helps to control the southern PA borders while we take the time to gather all of the facts in the war.
24. COD reviews all facts available, has TS discussions with all sides including CDI personel, and decides that the war against PA is just.
25. COD expels PA from the NAST treaty.
26. COD enters the war due to PA agression towards our NAST ally FU.
Eftir þetta þá barðist CoD, RKK, BNC, Jericho Fraction, Evol og margir fleiri við PA, ásamt M0o.
Þó svo að CoD væri mjög anti-pirate sinnað, þá ákváðum við að grafa stríðsöxina við m0o á meðan stríðið varði, þar sem við höfðu sameiginleg markmið, stríð við PA.
Nokkrir mánuðir liðu og var PA orðið mjög ‘veikt’ miðað við hvað það var áður en þetta stríð byrjaði, sem endaði með því að m0o var ekki að fá jafn marga bardaga og þeir vildu og ákváðu að byrja að ráðast á CoD, bandamenn sína. Á sama tíma sameinuðust CoD og Unicor alliance og urðu að Northern Star Alliance, NSA. Það að herja stríð við PA og m0o á sama tíma var einfaldlega ekki raunhæfur kostur og ákvað CoD að draga sig út úr stríðinu við PA. Enda hafði takmörkum okkar í því stríði verið náð, PA var ekki lengur við stjórnvölinn í Venal. Þessi ákvörðun var gerð í góðu samráði við þá bandamenn NSA sem ennþá kusu að herja stríð á PA, RKK, Evol og BNC.
Nokkrir mánuðir liðu, þar sem hið nýstofnaða NSA gat einbeitt sér að því að hjápa meðlimum þess að endurheimta það sem þeir höfðu misst í stríðinu. Einnig einbeitti NSA sér að því að halda Pure Blind eins pirate lausu og hægt var með reglubundnum ferðum og viðveru þar, þar sem allir gátu flogið og aflað sér pening óháð alliance, svo fremur sem þeir voru ekki pirates.
EVOL, BNC, RKK og ATUK höfðu nú stofnað félagsskapinn Band of Brothers, BoB og eignað sér Venal, Tenal og Branch. Voru þeir ennþá að herja á PA, sem neitar að gefast upp.
Adam var ekki lengi í Paradís og gæti ég skrifað aðra eins ritgerð um nýliðna atburði, en nenni því bara ekki núna hehe.