Newbie n. A person of dubious knowledge or intent, usually new to a community and subject to a certain amount of abuse. From Internet slang, meaning ‘new’.
Dark Newbie n. 1 A person of very dubious knowledge or intent, subject to extreme abuse and prejudice. 2 Someone who, deliberately or otherwise, questions the hierarchy of the Black & White community. From Internet slang, meaning ‘downright irritating and moronic’
Oldbie n. A person with much knowledege who is held in high regard, usually for the amount of time they have been pursuing an interest. From Internet slang, meaning ‘old’.
Newbie-bashing v. The act of insulting or degrading newbies or dark newbies, often taking the form of bitter sarcasm. Also, Newbie-eating, Newbie-killing. From Internet slang, meaning ‘let’s point and laugh at the ignorant little fool'.