gag: noun, verb
» noun
1 a piece of cloth that is put over or in sb's mouth to stop them speaking
2 an order that prevents sth from being publicly reported or discussed:
a press gag * a gag rule / order (= one made by a court of law)
3 (informal) a joke or a funny story, especially one told by a professional COMEDIAN:
to tell / crack a gag * a running gag (= one that is regularly repeated during a performance)
<b>4 (especially AmE) a trick you play on sb: - ÖRRUGGLEGA ÞETTA</b>
It was just a gag–we didn't mean to upset anyone.
» verb (-gg-)
1 [VN] to put a piece of cloth in or over sb's mouth to prevent them from speaking or shouting:
The hostages were bound and gagged.
2 [VN] to prevent sb from speaking freely or expressing their opinion:
The new laws are seen as an attempt to gag the press.
3 [V] ~ (on sth) to have the unpleasant feeling in your mouth and stomach as if you are going to VOMIT<br><br>
haha kaupæti