Jæja.. ef það er eitt sem mig langar mest í heiminum þá væri það Amarr Cuiserinn “Maller” ég var að spá hvort að einhver góðhjartaður íslenfingur gæti reddað honum á 4-5 mill? ef svo er endilega segjið mér frá því ;)<br><br><u><b>UT2k3</b></u>: <i>[SoS]SPiRAL </i>
<u><b>CS</b></u>: <i>[-EsreveR-]eMoOoN</i>
<u><b>EvE</b></u>: <i>Andri (<u>IceTech United</u>)</i>

<i>“Our Lord visited his flock and saw that all was not good.

Blasphemy and heresy ruled the land.

The Lord punished the sinners and drowned them in their own blood.

But the people of Amarr lived righteously and in fear of God.

Thus they were saved and became God's chosen one.”</i>

– <b>The Scriptures. Book II.</b>

<a href=“mailto:feeblesting@hotmail.com”><u><i><b>“Hýrt Gerir Gott betra”</b></i></u></a