Jæja loksins komið að því, það var upplýst á ircinu um daginn að public testing væri að fara byrja. Ekki bara byrja heldur byrja í næstu viku. Alpha testing hópurinn fær núna um 450 manna viðbót sem að öllum líkindum mun hægt og rólega stækka eftir framförum og ná hámarki þegar Beta testing byrjar í sumar með um 10000 þáttakendur.

Þessar upplýsingar voru látnar okkur í té af Cambion sem er meðlimur EVE hópsins hjá Simon and Schuster.

Campion> Ok… here's the deal with the first phase of testing…
Campion> It is not this week… tomorrow or otherwise
Campion> But we're planning it to begin *sometime* next week. An exactly date has not been set yet

Campion> Well, it has, but it keeps moving. :)
Campion> We will invite approximately 500 testers into the first phase

Campion> This phase will be set up to test gameplay functionality, such as the missions, stock market, player economy, etc.

Campion> It will be set up on actual servers in order to simulate as close to possible the “real deal”

r0ss> hows the selection process, camp?
Campion> r0ss, it's up to CCP to select. I think they will be selecting initially from physical location, in order to better test the latency

Campion> So that's what's up with the first phase live test
Zuljin> do we get CDs send or, have we to dl it?
Campion> Most likely they will be downloads
Campion> assigned usernames and passwords
Zuljin> Campion, or will the low bandwith user like me get a CD? :)
Campion> Not sure, Zuljin… it depends on logistically who is going to manage that for us

Grom|BefriendingFuriously> Campion: How will the NDAs be handled? Will there be something in the mail that should be signed and returned, or is a simple “Click here to Agree” ?

Campion> Grom, probably a “click here to agree”. But it's really CCP's final decision how they want to handle it

Grom|BefriendingFuriously> Campion: when will the beta begin to increase from the initial 500 to it's maximum as a closed beta

Campion> Grom: that depends on how the first test goes, and on development. But currently it's scheduled for the middle of summer

Grom|BefriendingFuriously> Campion: How will the initial closed beta compare to the open beta? Will the majority of systems be implemented on-the-fly during the closed, or will they be there initially?

Campion> The open beta will obviously have a lot more people. It would simulate as closely as possible the actual release of the game, stress testing the servers (packing people in at peak times), in order to track and manage latency

Grom|BefriendingFuriously> Campion: Well, I mean in terms of available systems that players can inhabit, weapons, and the closed market, how will the closed and open betas differ, if at all?

Campion> Oh ok… Grom, the first phase of testing won't include the entire universe, but rather probably only 40% of it

Campion> many of the weapons, ships, and such will be available
Grom|BefriendingFuriously> Campion: and the closed economy?
Campion> The economy… good question. I'm not sure of that yet
Grom|BefriendingFuriously> Campion: and continuing that…will NPC demands factor into the equation for the “real” closed economy? More specifically, will planets (their inhabitants in reality) consume food and natural resources as in real life?

Campion> Grom—not sure of that
[INO]Johan_Doe> Campion, has the decision on who those first 500 (or so) will be ? (based upon location and internet link as you mentioned before)

Campion> Johan_doe: not, not yet. It's going to be CCP's decision who they are going to let in

[Krath]Nordor> campion: u haven't said anything about my thoughts/q's. doesn't 10.000 ppl mean almost anyone?

Campion> Nordor: sorry, it's hard to follow so many conversations at once. You have to consider that we've had over 45,000 people sign up for the beta test… that's a lot of people

Campion> The skills will be mostly in place, although I suspect many of them will still be buggy. There are a ton of them that we need to have tested

cairnz> Campion, would one have better chances if having multiple computers?

Campion> I dunno, Cairnz. Probably not tho

Well there we have it. Let the games begin.