Developer Chat á EVE Gate Í dag, fimmtudaginn 23. maí, var haldið Developer Chat við starfsmenn CCP. Fór þetta fram á ircinu á server sem EVEGate er með. Viðtalið hófst klukkan 10:30 (10:40, tafðist um 10 mín) og lauk klukkan 11:00 (þetta var lokuð umræða, en ´mátti fylgjast með og hægt var að ræða saman um spurningarnar á annari opinni rás)

Spyrjendur vour Soulfish og Pann_EVE og svöruðu CCP menn úr einni tölvu af básnum sínum á E3 sýningunni sem stendur yfir núna í Kaliforníu í Bandaríkjunum (Reynir Harðarsson var á lyklaborðinu :)).

Það fyrirtæki sem hafði flesta meðlimi á rásinni var Endless Corporation, en frá þeim komu 18 meðlimir. Segjast þeir hafa um 200 meðlimi í dag, og Krath segjast hafa 150. Frá RaiD Ent. (íslenskt) mættu 14 manns.

Mikil spenna ríkti á meðan á spjallinu stóð, og náði hún hámarki er CCP menn duttu út í miðju svari. Hef ég sjaldan séð svo marga hástafi samankomna og ég sá þarna.

Hérna eru nokkrar setningar af opnu rásinni á meðan á spjallinu stóð:

[23:06:09] * EC|-TimeBeast asks people to calm donw before his shotgun see's action
[23:06:29] <[SGS]Deathadder> i think ur parents feed you all far to much SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:06:35] <[TiK]Shredder> NEED MORE INFO ON LOGO!!!!
[23:07:38] <EC|-Refragmental> aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[23:07:47] <[CTI]L0rDMiNi0N> bastards……….there toying with us!
[23:07:48] <[CTI]L0rDMiNi0N> hehehe
[23:07:51] <EC|-Seipher> please tell us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:09:08] <[ETI]Stumpy> fs i can't read all this spam fast evnough
[23:09:10] <EC|-Seipher> they pinged out!!
[23:09:19] <[PTC]MrShadow> Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[23:09:36] <[RaiD]TheTheory> I AM PISSED!!!!!
[23:09:37] <jenova> omgomg i just wet myself@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Og hérna eru spurningar og svör á lokuðu umræðunni:

<Soulfish> how is the interface different for space stations?
[22:54:35] <SSIPR> The UI in stations gives you alot of different options
[22:54:49] <SSIPR> In stations you can access news channels, messageboards…
[22:55:09] <SSIPR> get access to the market UI, do more advance corporation stuff etc.
[22:55:38] <SSIPR> it basicaly allows you much more complex things to be done on the higher level of the game

<Soulfish> the latest screenshots point to there being an ingame mp3 player, is there one and how flexible is it?
[22:56:01] <SSIPR> Yes :)
[22:56:37] <SSIPR> There is an ingame mp3 player, with customizeable functions
[22:57:31] <SSIPR> there is an excellent soundtrack with over 40 mp3 songs in-game

<Soulfish> We've all seen and been impressed by the character shots. WE know that the tools are very flesable, but could you walk us through the character creation process?
[22:58:13] <SSIPR> ok
[22:58:32] <SSIPR> When you start out, you start by selecting race and gender
[22:58:40] <SSIPR> then you alter your stats
[22:59:03] <SSIPR> then you choose your desired “profession” and affiliation with the NPC factions
[22:59:26] <SSIPR> This will dictate your starting skills, location and equipment as well as
[22:59:36] <SSIPR> your starting NPC agent
[22:59:56] <SSIPR> who can give you missions, provide special services for you or give you access
[23:00:20] <SSIPR> to special equipment, access to restricted areas etc.

<Soulfish> We know that to a limited extent we can customise ships. Could you tell us the limits and posible uses of this customisation apart from ship colouring?
[23:03:09] <SSIPR> The customization differs between the races
[23:03:36] <SSIPR> On all ships you can put your corporation logo
[23:03:45] <SSIPR> and you can identify them with 5 letters
[23:03:57] <SSIPR> on some ships, you can change paintcolor and style
[23:04:01] <SSIPR> but not on all of them
[23:04:19] <SSIPR> But there are also other ways to do customization
[23:04:43] <SSIPR> like if you buy a more advanced version of a ship, its hull will have a different hue

[23:02:42] <Soulfish> We know that to a limited extent we can customise ships. Could you tell us the limits and posible uses of this customisation apart from ship colouring?
[23:03:09] <SSIPR> The customization differs between the races
[23:03:36] <SSIPR> On all ships you can put your corporation logo
[23:03:45] <SSIPR> and you can identify them with 5 letters
[23:03:57] <SSIPR> on some ships, you can change paintcolor and style
[23:04:01] <SSIPR> but not on all of them
[23:04:19] <SSIPR> But there are also other ways to do customization
[23:04:43] <SSIPR> like if you buy a more advanced version of a ship, its hull will have a different hue

<b><Soulfish> originaly it was stated that we were not able to play the game as jovians, then at the end of the last dev chat it was stated that we could get their ships. then in hte recent S&S press release it was alluded that we could play the game as jovians. Which of these is true?
[23:05:39] <SSIPR> You can not start out in the game playing Jove, but…
[23:06:46] * Soulfish watches everyone hang off the edge of their seats
[23:07:20] * DarkCryst feels the tension
[23:08:40] <u>*** Quits: SSIPR (Ping timeout)</u></b>

[CCP Dettur út! Allt brjálast! Hástafamet aldarinnar!]

[23:08:41] <Pann_EVE> The end of the answer:
[23:09:07] <Pann_EVE> There are ways you can get your own Jovian character, but they are quite difficult and they are not revealing any information.
[23:09:19] <Pann_EVE> And [CCP] have lost their connection and can't get back in.

[23:13:34] <Pann_EVE> I asked a couple more questions for you before they had to go -
[23:15:11] <Pann_EVE> And finally, about the number of characters you can have:
[23:15:28] <Pann_EVE> At this time, they are planning on three, but this number is subject to change.

Leikurinn hefur fengið frábærar viðtökur á E3 sýningunni og var þetta sagt á lokuðu rásinni:

[23:17:25] <DarkCryst> CAn you tell us anythin about the responce CCP have had at E3?
[23:17:50] <Pann_EVE> They have had AWESOME response.
[23:17:59] <Pann_EVE> Everyone is raving about what they see.
[23:18:13] <Pann_EVE> And, I can also tell you that if you have loved the screenshots and movies you've been seeing,
[23:18:25] <Pann_EVE> know that it is no where near as cool as the game itself.
[23:18:33] <Pann_EVE> Screenshots cannot do it justice. =)

EVE er greinilega orðinn risastór heimur og komu yfir 200 manns á lokuðu rásina.
Öll fyrirtækin sem voru á staðnum voru erlend nema RaiD, og voru þau yfir 15, sem sýnir velgengni erlendis einnig. Mun svo mikið af fólki bæatst við eftir E3 sýninguna, sem er góð auglýsing fyrir EVE og svo fer auglýsingaherferðin af stað bráðum.

Beta testing mun hefjast núna í byrjun júní og á leikurinn að koma út í október.

Orion Industries,
RaiD Enterprises