Ákvað að setja saman smá sögu fyrir keppnina…
Verðið að afsaka ef það eru einhverjar villur sem ég hef ekki tekið eftir.

“Dude wake up, they are here!, Customs are here !!”. *News report* “Two young Gallente criminals were arrested
yesterday for narcotics, a bag full of illegal narcotics were discovered in one of the young criminals appartment.
Federal Navy Chief Coordinator Dultiver Doos released this statement: We have confirmed these men as wanted criminals for smuggling
illegal goods and other crimes aswell, i assure you that they will go away for a long long time.”

Inside Federal navy HQ: Two young gallente men sit in seperate interrogation rooms hoping for the best. Suddenly an officer walks into the cell
where Eric Rost sits. Eric gets ever more nervous as the officer sits down and pops open a can of quafe and hands it to Eric.
“So, what is a bright young man like you doing in this buisness? you dont really look like a typical smuggler if you ask me.” Eric takes a sip
from the quafe can, it is ice cold and tasty, Eric had not had Quafe for a very long time…brings up old memorys of when he and
his best friend were planing this smuggling thing and now they were beeing interogated by the Federation, not a very good feeling.
“Are you def of are you just ignoring me, cause if you are ignoring me you are just bringing yourself a whole lot of trouble.” says the officer
and looks at Eric with a mean look. “Look, i know that you like that friend of yours but he is at this moment walking out of this building
and is beeing escorted to a shuttle to take him home” Eric looks up surprised why his friend is walking away. “He told us you were the ringleader
and that you threatened to kill him if he didnt go along.” “WHAT !?!? THAT BASTARD” Eric screams, sadly he knew that his friend did that, selfish
bastard! “Its not true, he did all the planning, but i have no proof you got to belive me !” Eric was suddenly taken away to
a prison cell, soon he would have to go to trial. His friend was the one that backstabbed him and was now spending his ISK,
HIS ISK! Eric knew he had to have revenge and that he would do whatever he needed to do for justice.

*News report* “One of the two young men arrested a year ago for narcotics smuggling was sentenced to prison for 5 years minimum,
the other man was set free in exchange for his testimony against his friend who is told to be the ringleader.”
.:2 years later:. Eric was pulled out of his cell and brought to a big room with hundreds of inmates.
“Form a line and wait to be inspected!” Eric realized where he was, this was his way out! The navy was recruiting some pilots
and he had been the smuggling pilot so he knew his way around ships. He could finally be out of prison.
After his tests he was put back in the cell, but it wasnt long untill he was in a Gallente navy recruitment camp.
The camp was nothing compared to prison so he passed easily and soom he was in the navy 1st Cruiser regiment and was handed
a Vexor cruiser, his regiment was an anti- smuggler taks force and it felt a little strange to be shooting down guys he knew
from way back, but inside he knew thaht this was his ticket to revenge. One night Eric was in bed sleeping when a call came in about
some smugglers a couple of systems away so his squad was sent to intercept. A fleet of cruisers and frigs was gathered and it must
must have been around 50 ships. Over the radio Eric heard: “50 ships? holy crap this must be big” then Eric realized that
this was his creation he was set to fight. A plan he had made with his friend back in the days, and it was also his chance to
get his revenge, he knew exactly what was going down and most of all exactly where his “friend” was going to be and so he set his
destination to another system not far away from the system where the smugglers where to be intercepted.

“Where are you going Eric ??” said the transmission over the radio, “Got some unfinished buisness to attend to, dont worry
ill be right there with you” and then Eric turned of his radio and went his own route to meet his former comrad. The smuggler
+30 bubble was only a decoy for the haulers and a coule of escorts to go a little bit longer route but with the whole navy
focused on the bubble they could get the goods to their destination with ease. But Eric knew better and was ready for them,
he had no intrest in stopping the haulers, he would just call for reinforcements to blocade them. His target was his friend
who was no match for the piloting skills that Eric posessed. Eric opened a private radion frequency, “Morris, man are you there?
its Eric” no reply but suddenly he heard something…“Eric ? is that really you ? heard you got put in jail, did you escape ?”.
“Kind of…i got out just to find you and ask you a question.” “Whats that Eric ?”….“Morris, how could you stab me in the back like that ?”
Eric was getting angry and couldnt wait till Morris would come out of warp and he would get his shot at revenge. “A mans got to do, what a man´s
got to do” then Morris laughed confidently, he was seconds away from coming out of warp. “Heh ironic…” replied Eric over
the radio. “What is ?” said Morris as he was now starting to slow down as he could see the gate. He stopped….but sunddenly..
Eric slowly begun to appear and Morris´s heart started pounding in his chest. Eric took a last look at his friends ship….
He locked Morris down and before he knew he was webbed and warp scrambled… Morris was like a Fly in a spiders web,
nowhere to run this time. There they were the two former pals that had planned to ride to the top together, now enemys and
for Morris there was no way out. As Eric started to activate his guns Morris asked over the radio…“Why?” Eric looked at
Morris..now about to face his destiny and grinned……“A man´s got to do….what a man has got to do”. And the guns
went online and in a matter of seconds ripped Morris´s ship to debris…and then to finish what he started Eric locked down
Morris´s Escape pod and shot at it till the gooey insides squirted into space.

After the haulers were stopped and the case was closed, Eric resigned from the Navy and settled down in an unknown location
where he died an old man. But No one ever knew of that battle against Morris but before Eric died he told the story for
the first time in years for the whole world to hear.

The End