Þetta er smá póstur sem ég skrifaði inná JQA forums og þess vegna kemur þetta hér á ensku.
As always there is a lot of fun on Raptus corp channel and one of the things we talked about today would be the part of concord in wars between corps.
Many people said that Concord was 100% neutral and would not interveen into other people wars. That is a good and solid point but still not. Corporations are just that, corporations, concord is a police force that is responsable to maintain law and order in this cruel universe we call Eve. If we go comparing to real life as people attend to do, Toyota declares war on Mitsubishi (just the firts 2 companies i remembered) and start a gang war in Japan the Japanese police would of course interveen and prosicute those that are responsible.
Now lets go to empire wars. For example if Japan would decide to declare war on Britain and attack Britain civilians inside the United States. United States would have to declare war on Japan since they cant allow them to get away with this kind of act in their soil. There the empires come in.
F.x. Miami Vice attacks a Raptus member in Masalle, Gallente military should come to rescue and punish miami vice since they are bringing the fight to their space.
This is the conclusion i got about wars and all that system, of course that would make no sense then to have wars so it is of course understandable that they are in game. What do you guys think ?
Bara svona að reyna að koma einhverjum greinum hingað inn og athuga hvað ykkur finnst um þetta.