Jíí, undirskriftin loksins komin í lag!<br><br><font color=“#808080”><i>You know something? I just had a very bad day. You are about to have a worse one</i></font>
<font color=“#ff0000”>>:þ</font>
<font color=“#000080”><i>The Lie can run around the world before the Truth can get its boots on</i></font>
<font color=“#ff0000”>>:þ</font>
<font color=“#800080”>For I have been so very <b>naughty</b></font>
<font color=“#ff0000”>>:þ</font>
<font color=“#008000”>Sailor: What´s that over there? Admiral:That my sir is a nerd. Stay away from them. They can become infectious.</font>
<font color=“#ff0000”>>:þ</font>
<i><u><font color=“#008080”>Heimasíðan mín er <a href="