Fyrst að fólk er orðið svona spennt fyrir BW 2 þá ætla ég að senda inn smá umfjöllun:

After Black & White, the world settled, united under one god. As that god, your job was done. But since you’ve been away, things have changed. The tribes have discovered technology and are embracing the power it brings with a zeal bordering on the religious. And with new technology comes war.

The nature of mankind is such that he needs to compete. He needs to control and own, and he needs enemies to direct his anger at. He needs to fight, and your people will do this in your name. The question is, do you want them to? As a god you can encourage the military might of your followers and rain supernatural hell on your foes. Your Creature can act as an unstoppable weapon, crushing fortifications, towers, people and resistance. But you can also use your might to ensure peace.

It’s not a clear-cut decision. Even a peaceful tribe needs the means to defend themselves. And with the technology of war comes the advances that make life easier during peacetime. As the people in Black & White 2 are more sophisticated, they look after their basic needs. And rather than convert those who don’t believe, the game is about switching allegiances and gaining followers at the expense of other gods.

Black & White 2 is about uniting those you can unite, and destroying those you can’t. It’s about whether you want people to kill for you or die for you. And as the fortunes of the tribes depend on their armies, walled cities and weapons, it’s about knowing when to let peace reign and when to go to war.

Þetta hér var fengið af BWcenter.com:D.

Og síðan eitthvað fleira í viðbót:

Will it be all on one vast land or many as in the original Black & White?

The game will be spread out across many lands.

Will you be able to instruct your Creature by typing?


Are all the Creatures getting a makeover?


Can we conquer other cities, so we'll get their support, both in weapons and other resources, and will those cities trade grain, wood and stone with other cities?

Yes, you will be able to conquer other villages, towns and cities. We are hoping to also have Trade between settlements.

Will the villagers be more realistic?

The villagers in Black & White 2 have been completely redone and are much more detailed and realistic in their movements and expressions.

Will the Creature be able to walk further out into the water submerging half of his/her legs or to his/her belly button?

Black & White 2 will have much more realistic water. The creature will be able to wade in the sea and lakes.

Will different tribes have different types of weapons that only they can make?

Each tribe will be able to manufacture unique weapons – Japanese swordsman will use katanas while norseman will use broadswords.

Will there be holy buildings such as churches and synagogues?

Villagers will build temples to celebrate you as a god.

Will we control an army or the peasants?

The player can control large armies made up warriors from the villages, towns and cities.

Could you tell us whether you are reusing the graphics engine or starting a new engine?

That’s an interesting question, as we have revisited so much of the engine it’s difficult to know how much of the original engine remains.

When are games publishers going to wake up and realise a lot of people have DVD's now? I want a DVD version instead of the 2 or 3 CD's that most games are using now.

Although a lot of people have DVDs, a lot of people don't and we want as many people as possible to be able to play the game. At the time of release we will work with our publishers on which format it’ll be available on.

I've heard that the villagers can attack your Creature if they don't like how they are being treated. Is this going to be a down side of having an evil Creature? If so, what will be the down side of having a good Creature?

Even a 200ft good Creature walking into a city will cause concern. Your uninvited guest may soon become a pin cushion for the archers.

Þetta fékk ég á www2.bwgame.com.

Vonandi er þetta ekki allt sama dótið:D. Þið þurfið bara að biðja ef að þið viljið að maður reyni að finna ýmislegt um BW leikina;).
Kv. Sigtryggur.