<b>Tilvitnun:</b><br><hr><i>Here at Nikita things are pretty crazy. Team Nikita is busy winning contests, Heida is busy designing new stuff for you, and we're preparing the delivery of Nikita's Winter 04/05 line to shops around the world as we write this.
We've been receiving a lot of fun photos for our ‘Girls Who Ride’ section on nikitaclothing.com … keep them coming and we'll keep posting them. But, some of you have also showed interest in sending in graphics and drawings that you design. That's cool, actually so cool that we've decided to award the coolest “Girls Who Ride” graphic that we get e-mailed in the next seven days with a full box of fresh Nikita Winter 04/05 stuff! The winning graphic will also become a special T-shirt from Nikita in the Winter 05/06 collection!
Send your graphic design to: susan@nikitaclothing.com with the subject: “Graphic Design Contest” before August 6th.</i><br><hr>
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