Explosions and gunshots glammered all over the place. Sokratez grinned.”Ah victory always victory”he thought as he watched the Imperial Guardsmen shatter around the place in fear. Kaziiing!!! One of his bodyguard fell down dead. What fool would be so stupid killing one of his bodyguards. Kaziiing!!! Another one fell. Sokratez was furius. He ripped some binoculars of one of his soldiers. What was this? A Vindicare assasin stood there up in a tower firing bullets at his men. And this? Imperial tanks streaming over the hills, and the tanks were lead by a huge Basilisk. They came firing huge bombs towards Sokratez and his men. It seemed this battle was lost. Sokratez got down on his knees and prayed to the god of plague…Nurgle. He prayed in silence. And suddenly his general started to grow and finnaly exploded for something huge came out of him. It was the Great Unclean One. Accompanied by hordes of plaguebearers he charged into battle smashing the tanks to dust. Sokratez laughed.
Suddenly something over took him. He was full of rage, definetly possessed. He ran into battle vielding his sword slaughtering the Imperial Guardsmen, ripping their heads off gutting them to death. He charged to the tower were the assasin stood killing his men. He climbed up the stairs and found a coldblade strike his face. As he lost his grip and fell down he could see the grinning face of a Eversor assasin. He could feel stinging pain as he slammed to the earth. “ COWARDS! CANT FIGHT WITH YOUR OWN MANS! “ And so the darkness took him.
Sokratez woke up somewhere in the forests. Everything seemed to be dead around him. He stood up dizzy and almost hit a tree in his dowsiness. He looked around and then threw up. All around him were dead and rotting corps. What were this place? He asked himself. Looked like a graveyard but the only diffrence was that the bodies were lying dead on the surface. Sokratez would probably be there lying dead to if Lord Nurgle wouldnt have wanted him to live. Some of theese men were his some werent. Suddenly he heard some voices. They didnt come from far away. He ran behind a tree and sat there and listened. It were two of the Guardsmen talking about some price for a warlord. Probably himself he thought. He held his breath as the Guardsmen came closer to the graveyard but suddenly they stopped and started screaming . He peeked from behind the tree and saw two plaguebearers dining on the Guardsmen bodies. He stood up and walked towards the two plaguebearers. They looked up and walked slowly and carefully towards the Chaos Lord they saw standing in front of them. He started speaking and then found out that he was speaking some language he had never heard but still unterstoud. The plaguebearers nodded and started walking into the dark forest. He followed slowly and carefully. As they came over a hill he watched over a almost ruined battlefield and his warriors were the only ones standing. But what was this? Something black and fast ran over the battlefield. Its was that darn Eversor assassin. He charged into Sokratezes army and slaughtered theme. After him came many groops of Cathachan junglefighters and started a massive shootout with his Chaos Space Marines. He picked a gun up of the battlefield reloaded and fired towards the assassin. The assassin stopped and looked towards Sokratez. Sokratez fired again at the assassin. The assassin grinned. Sokratez shot the third shot. That one didnt miss and hit the assassin in the arm. The assassin laughed. The assassin picked up his pistol and started firing dangerously close at Sokratez. Sokratez aimed carefully and found three bullets dig deep into his body. But it didnt hurt. He had found the taste of death and pain wasnt a problem. He pulled the trigger and the assassin fell down and lay dead in his own blood. Sokratez threw away his gun and drew up his sword. He vielded Imperial Bane and charged into battle and the few of his men that werent allready fighting foolowed. Shadow forests had found the wrath of Sokratez.
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