The night was dark. Rats ran over the streat fighting for leftovers they had found in the streets. It was to silent. There were no living thing in the alley or in the streets. Everyone was a sleep. Everyone exept the shadows moving slowly on the walls.
He creapt silently into the dark alley and opened the door. Inside there was no light exept from a tiny fire place. The little light that came from the fire cast a shadow on the wall. A shadow of a man. “Sir I have the book.” The assistance said. “Great, give it me” a dark voice said. “Whoa I went through a lot to get you this darn book, I want somthin’glitterin y’know?”the sneaky assistance yelled ” Here its in my palm. If you want your money come and get it.”the dark voice said. A bright light was seen in that alley that night. The body limped down. A dark hand reached down and searched the burnt body. “Ah yes this is what I want” the dark voice said. He reached down and picked up something, a package of some sort. He opened the package and looked at the object inside. It was a book. It was “THE TALE OF HORUS”. The dark voice laughed. “Finally the emperor shall feel my wrath. THE WRATH OF……Sokratez.
It was the lords year 40.648 in the city Galactica and of course it was in the Imperium.
Galactica was a calm and relaxed town had its own army and was protected by a large fort all a round the city. It was a silent morning people were streaming on the streets going to the market or to the bank or even the luckiest people to work. Some to the army some to the city hall, other to the mall. Some people even went picnicking in the park. Until the silence was broken with a big boom. There had been an explosion in the palace where the emperors right hand lived. Deamons were all over the place plaguebearers on the streets slaughtering people, deamonetts seducing people, horrors spitting fireballs on people and bloodletters slaughtering inercent people. The city was swarmed with Chaos. Chaos Space Marines charged in a massive shootout against the heroic Space Marines. Drednoughts plundering missiles towards armoured Rhinos. Plaguemarines spreading plague over fast Space Marine Scouts. And there was one man who watched all this and laughed. It was Sokratez that stood up in the palace and whatched Chaos coming over the town. He raised up the emperors right hands body and shouted so high that there almost came silence over the whole town “DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR! DEATH TO THE WEAKLING IMPERIUM OF A MAN!
LET THE GALAXY BURN!!! The followers of Chaos shouted the same thing as they charged into the battle. “Hah this is only the beginning” Sokratez whispered as he tossed the screaming body of the emperors right hand down into the Chaotic city.
Vona að ykkur muni líka þessi saga en þetta er bara byrjunin af ferli Sokratezar sem Chaos Lord.