plís ekki tala eins og allir paladins þarna úti séu eitthvað supernatural góðir spilarar.. healer í plate armor með óþolandi bubble og það nýjasta nýtt, dps! nuff said…
Sko…vil bara byrja á að spurja hví ertu svona pirraður á paladinum…..ef það er vegna þess að þú heldur því fram að þeir séu overpowered…tss…líttu á warlocka…ekki get ég sagt að þeir séu neitt supernerfaðir en paladinar eru fínir…ekkert verri en hinir…en hins vegar eru þeir engir superhealerar í Retri spec sko…klára manað sitt mjög fljótlega :)
Skills>Equip… It's not difficult to inquire good equipment… It only shows how much free time you have :). Chance to get into raids or to save up for an epic PvP gear is just a matter of free time and concentration. But to win someone in a duel with same or even worse gear is a show of skills. Unless of course when it's the few examples, like when magicians polymorph their opponent or when conjurers of the shadow send their succubus to encounter with their foe is when they play it, like it's called, “easy mode”. But however that is not cheating in a duel it's just usage of game mechanics. Anyway, my point is that when you are trying to match my skill in the World of “Warcraft” by comparing equipment is just, well… sad :)
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