Hérna er smá af WC3 síðunni hjá blizzard
Five different races to command including Orcs, Humans, Undead and Demons, each possessing unique units, magical abilities and weapons of war.
Skeletal and skinning animation process allows infinite frames of animation resulting in true fluid movement of 3D models.
Advanced world design tools allowing players to customize every aspect of the game including tile sets, character art, quests, mission objectives, and unit types, AI, attributes, special abilities and spells.
Expanded multiplayer options over Battle.net™ including a larger number of players per game and multiple game types including team play and questing.
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http://www.zdnet.com/gamespot/filters/products/0,11114,256222,00.html“ target=”new">hérna</a> getur þú lesið mest allt hvað varðar WC3