Maður missir allavegana prósentur í multiplayer og á
á stendur um characters þegar þeir deyja:
If you are killed by a monster, your character loses a percentage of the total gold both carried and stored in the Stash. The percentage is equal to your character level but will not exceed 20%. After deducting the death penalty from the gold your character is carrying, the rest falls to the ground in a pile. If the penalty uses up the gold being carried, the remainder of the penalty is deducted from the Stash
However, in Single Player the death penalty will not take away all your gold. No gold is taken from the Stash and 500 gold per character level is exempt from the death penalty. For example, if a level 10 Single Player character with 5,000 gold dies, no gold is lost.
If you are killed by another player (PKed), your character does not drop the gold being carried, but instead drops the amount of gold that would be lost if you had been killed by a monster. This prevents a player killer (PK) from taking the gold you are carrying. Of course, in this case the gold dropped comes from your stash too.
Þannig að það er öðruvísi reglur um þetta í singleplayer og Multiplayer og hvort þú ert drepinn af monster eða öðrum Player, prufaðu að spila með kallinn á lani og þá áttu eftir að tapa mikklu meiri pening fyrir að deyja :/
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